Sample request
If you are interested in samples, you can access various collections and services. Please contact us and we will be happy to advise you.
We will first check that all the necessary information has been submitted and that the requested samples are available. Depending on who is the collection manager and which collection is involved, the approval procedure for sample submission is designed.
The request for broad-consent samples from the BBD takes place in a multi-stage procedure. Within one week, the application form is forwarded by circulation to the BioBank Dresden utilization and allocation committee, consisting of medical specialists and scientists. The committee decides on the approval of the application within 10 working days. . As soon as a result of the vote is available, the applicant will be informed in writing.
The request for study-specific samples is made in an individual consultation.
Application procedure and documents
To support your project or to monitor your study, we require the following documents to be completed and signed by you:
Project with tissue from the tumor and normal tissue bank:
Project or study application
Or alternatively for the processing of tissue from your institution:
Project without tissue from the tumor and normal tissue bank:
Service application
- When submitting a TNTB project application, please attach a copy of the supporting ethics vote.
- If FFPE samples younger than 3 years are to be used for a research project explicitly selected by the project leader, the project leader is obliged to check whether the relevant patients have consented to the use of their sample material for research (EWEs must be filed in ORBIS) and to note this in the sample list attached to the project.
Current tissue material (FFPE material younger than 3 years) from patients who have not consented to the use of their material for research may not be used.
General information
All applications should include the following information
short project description (approx. half a DIN A4 page)
Details of the specific tissue request (type and number)
Details of cooperation partners
Information on the project-related ethics vote
Information on project financing / invoice address
Please send us all signed documents to:
Sample collection:
Location: Institute of Pathology
TNTB/ Study Center (2. OG; Room 302)
Schubertstraße 15
01307 Dresden
Opening hours: Monday - Thursday: 08:00 am to 11:00 am
13:00 h to 15:00 h Friday:08:00 to 12:00
Application procedure and documents for liquid biosamples
For the support of your project or the monitoring of your study we need one of the following documents completely filled out and signed by you:
Sample request forms:
Liquid biospecimen request form
Information on requirements & procedure
All requests should contain the following information
Details of the sample request (clinical entity, sample type and number)
Brief project description (approx. half a DIN A4 page)
Information on cooperation partners
Information on the project-related ethics vote
Project funding
Samples will then be collected/sent by arrangement.
Current collections and projects
The following table is an excerpt of our collections. If you are interested in further collections or details of sample types, please contact us regarding availability.
DILB / Flüssigproben | TNTB / Gewebeproben |
Onkologische Sammlungen
Nicht-onkologische Sammlungen
Für die Unterstützung von Forschungsprojekten mit FFPE-Material darf die TNTB/BBD, unter Erfüllung bestimmter Voraussetzungen, auf das Blockarchiv des Instituts für Pathologie des Universitätsklinikums Carl Gustav Carus Dresden zurückgreifen. Zu den Voraussetzungen zählen:
- Die Materialentnahme liegt mehr als 3 Jahre zurück, sodass eine eventuelle weitere diagnostische Anforderung für den Materialspendenden Patient*innen, unwahrscheinlich ist. (entsprechend dem Ethikvotum EK59032007)
- Das erwogene Forschungsprojekt hat bereits die Zustimmung seitens des „Steering Committee UCC“ erhalten.
- Das Archiv am UKD umfasst FFPE-Material gesammelt seit 2011
Sammlungsgröße: ________ (Stand 01/2023)
- Aus einem externen Archiv können zudem, mit einer Sonderanforderung, weitere Materialien abgefragt werden. Dieses umfasst FFPE-Material gesammelt von 2004 – 2010.
Sammlungsgröße: _______ (Stand 01/2023)
DILB / Flüssigproben | TNTB / Gewebeproben |
Durch die Unterstützung der TNTB mit Probenmaterial und Serviceleistungen sind 173 Publikationen im Zeitraum von 2019 bis Ende 2022 veröffentlicht worden, so zum Beispiel: