Julia Grundmann, Carl-Gustav-Carus Award 2024 for her dissertation "Polarimetric examination of carious lesions - Visualization and characterization of occlusal carious lesions using optical imaging techniques in-vitro", 28.01.2025 Dresden
Julia Grundmann, 2nd place at the Young Scientists in Dentistry Symposium 2023 for her presentation "Visualization and characterization of occlusal carious lesions using optical imaging techniques in-vitro", 23.06.2023 Halle (Saale)
Svea Steuer M. Sc., Best Student Paper Award - Polarized Light and Optical Angular Momentum for Biomedical Diagnostics, SPIE Photonics West 2023 for her presentation "Validating polarization-sensitive OCT images of the human tympanic membrane by polarized light microscopy" (in cooperation with the Clinical Sensoring and Monitoring Group), 01.02.2023 San Francisco
Ronja Dietrich & PD Dr. Julia Walther
DGZ Oral B Prize for the best short lecture 2021 at the 35th Annual Conference of the DGZ (German Society for Restorative Dentistry, DGZ) on the topic "Optical coherence tomography for imaging caries diagnostics of proximal surfaces", 23.09.2022 Würzburg
Dr. Florian Teschke & PD Dr. Julia Walther
DGR2Z-GCGrant 2021 (German Society for Restorative and Regenerative Dentistry, DGR2Z) in recognition of the work "Non-ionizing diagnostics of early interdental caries with a high-resolution interdental probe based on optical coherence tomography", 18.11.2021 Göttingen
Dr. Julia Walther
Presentation in the SPIE Photonics West BiOS Hot Topics session 2018"Optical coherence tomography in the oral cavity" 27.07.2018 San Francisco