Oct 25, 2019
CRTD welcomes MSNZ fellow Anke Fuchs as new group leader
Dr. Anke Fuchs who became MSNZ fellow in July this year joins the Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD) as group leader. Her group aims at developing advanced cellular therapeutics to combat the unmet clinical need for efficient treatment of GvHD and viral infection after hematopoetic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). To achieve this she works in close collaboration with the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) facility at CRTD.
Dr. Anke Fuchs has been associated with the CRTD for many years: In 2012, she did her doctorate (PhD) in the research group of Prof. Ezio Bonifacio and received the CRTD Best Dissertation Award. As a postdoc, she continued her research in the field of autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes at the CRTD. Since 2015, she has worked as project leader for clinical translation between CRTD and the Medical Clinic I of the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden. Dr. Anke Fuchs received the Young Investigator Award of the International Society of Cellular Therapy (ISCT) in 2017 and was a fellow of the Maria-Reiche Mentoring Program for female scientists of the TU Dresden in 2017/18. With her new research group, she wants to conduct a clinical trial on the efficiency of automated isolated and expanded regulatory T cells (Treg) in stem cell transplanted leukaemia patients with chronic inflammatory reactions. In addition, cell therapies with further immune cells that hold promise for cancer, immunosuppressed patients or autoimmune diseases will be developed and successively translated to clinical practice.
"With my new research group, I will dedicate myself to the close integration of research and clinical practice. The research network of the CRTD, its Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Facility - a technology platform for the production of cellular therapeutics - and the close interaction with the University Hospital offer ideal opportunities for this," says Dr. Anke Fuchs, who will expand her group within the coming months.