Emeriti / Alumni
Table of contents
Former Professors of the Faculty of Biology
In the course of the structural renewal of the TU Dresden at the beginning of the 1990s, it was also decided to establish a new department of Biology. In 1992, under the leadership of Prof. Werner Hempel, the founding commission started its work and in the winter semester of 1994 the first students could be enrolled in the newly established diploma program in Biology. Since then, the Department of Biology, since 2018 Faculty of Biology, has developed into an indispensable part of the life sciences in Dresden. In this context, the following former professors should be mentioned, who have laid the foundations for today's faculty with great dedication, especially in the founding and development years, and have driven its continuous further development.
- Prof. Dr. Werner Hempel (* 28. 08.1936; † 14. 07.2012)
Founding representative of the biology department
1992 - 2002 Professor for Special Botany and Director of the Botanical Garden Dresden - Prof. Dr. Manfred Tesche (*18.06.1934; † 09.05.2013)
1993 - 1999 Professor for General Botany - Prof. Dr. Isolde Röske
1993 - 2009 Professor for Applied Microbiology - Prof. Dr. Rudolf Entzeroth
1993 - 2015 Professor for Special Zoology and Parasitology - Prof. Dr. Herwig O. Gutzeit
1993 - 2015 Professor for Zoology and Developmental Biology - Prof. Dr. Gerold Barth
1994 - 2015 Professor for General Microbiology - Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rödel
1995 - 2019 Professor for General Genetics - Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmidt (*23.02.1963; † 01.08.2019)
2003 - 2019 Professor for Cell and Molecular Biology of Plants - Prof. Dr. Michael Göttfert
1996 - 2019 Professor for Molecular Genetics - Prof. Dr. Günter Vollmer
1999 - 2020 Professor for Molecular Cell Physiology and Endocrinology
Alumni Network
As alumni, you are enormously important for our faculty. You enrich the TU Dresden internally with your research successes, your personality and your international expertise and shape the reputation of our university worldwide. Through the central alumni program of the TU Dresden, we would like to stay in contact with you and involve you in our university activities. You will receive:
- Regular information on the latest news from the university and your faculty
- Subject-specific dates, job offers, events
- The alumni magazine "Kontakt-online"
- Welcome mail directly after your registration
- International contacts through the TU regional ambassadors.
Interested? We look forward to welcoming you to our alumni network and invite you to register. (Registration is free of charge).
Alumni - Regional Ambassadors
Planning a stay abroad, whether as a student or as a scientist:in, can be quite simple. It is helpful to have a well-informed contact person on site: "Ask someone who knows the ropes and is on site for you worldwide."
As a member of the TU Dresden Alumni Network, would you like to be such a contact person for Dresden students and university lecturers who would like to go abroad? Or for all those who are interested in studying and teaching in Dresden? Then contact the Alumni Office and become a Regional Ambassador at TU Dresden in your country.
Alumni reunion
We support you in organizing your alumni reunion with information material, contacts and guided tours.
Alumni representative in the Faculty of Biology

Alumni Symposia Biology
5th Alumni Symposium Biology
August 29 - September 2, 2021
Altenberg OT Oberbärenburg