Apr 06, 2020
#closedbutopen: SLUB bietet erweiterte digitale Services während der Schließzeit
Subject: Closed but open: Current Information on the Expanded Digital Services of the SLUB despite Emergency Operations
Dear users,
Due to the Corona crisis, the SLUB has had to close its doors and go into emergency operations. We are, however, still there for you. Our staff are diligently working from home and supporting you behind the scenes with our expanded digital services:
1) You can still register for the library online. If you would like to apply for a new account or renew your SLUB card, please use our contact form.
2) Our diverse range of advisory services now take place online (e.g. via Skype with audio/video) or by telephone. You can book an appointment here.
3) An increasing number of publishers and database providers are making their services more accessible. We have put together an overview of this extended range of e-media here (is continually updated).
4) We have and will continue to increase our range of e-tutorials: for example, Zitat statt Plagiat - Was, warum und wie zitieren?! (Quotation Instead of Plagiarism - what, why and how to quote?) is fresh from the oven. You can find a complete overview of our SLUB tutorials here.
5) Our PurchaseTip service continues as normal. We will still order your desired media even though the SLUB is physically closed. Please use this form to contact us. If possible, we will try to purchase the electronic versions. If the medium is only available in printed or physical form, please get in contact with us. We will try to find the best solution for each individual case.
6) All of the SLUB’s digital services are available as usual. Our Digital Collections, sachsen.digital and the Landeskundeportal Saxorum also offer additional research opportunities.
7) Electronic dissertations can still be submitted during the closure. If you want to publish your university paper electronically on Qucosa, please register it using the input assistant on the Qucosa website. All formal requirements can, therefore, still be clarified in advance. Final editing will only be possible after the library has reopened.
You can find detailed information on our current services at www.slubdd.de/corona. You can also keep up to date by following us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us via our contact form or SLUBChat.
Stay healthy and keep us in good memory, be it digital or physical!
Best regards,