Team MBT
Table of contents
A vast part of team MBT consists of students and scientists in qualifying, which accounts for frequent changes in team composition. Here, only those team members are particularly mentioned who have been employed or involved in research projects for a longer period. However, we also appreciate our student members. They considerably contribute within the scope of practical courses, bachelor and master’s theses or small employments.
Chairs Leadership

NameProf. Marion Ansorge-Schumacher
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Chair of Molecular Biotechnology
Chair of Molecular Biotechnology
Visiting address:
Fakultät Biologie, BIO Raum 130 Zellescher Weg 20b
01217 Dresden
Office hours:
- Monday:
- 11:00 - 12:00
- Tuesday:
- 13:00 - 14:00
Secretary's office

NameMs Silke Bachmann
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Chair of Molecular Biotechnology
Chair of Molecular Biotechnology
Visiting address:
Fakultät Biologie, BIO Raum 131 Zellescher Weg 20b
01217 Dresden
Post Doc

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
NameDr. Axel Wobus
Koordinator Lehre, IT-Koordinator
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Chair of Molecular Biotechnology
Chair of Molecular Biotechnology
Visiting address:
Fakultät Biologie, Raum E05 Zellescher Weg 20b
01217 Dresden

Junior group leader
NameDr. Christoph Loderer
Leiter Nachwuchsgruppe NucBiotech
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Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Postdoc
NameDr. Thomas Heine
research manager
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Pre Doc

wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, PhD student
NameSara Fatima Bhutta M.Sc.
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Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, PhD student
NameReynaldo Jr. Carubio M.Sc.
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wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, PhD student
NameFrances Stark M.Sc. (Biol.)
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, PhD student
NameThomas Krause M.Sc. (Chem.)
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wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, PhD student
NameLisa Marie Pick M.Sc.
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wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, PhD student
NameJinfen Su M.Sc.
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Technical assistance

Technische Mitarbeiterin
NameJana Stephan, Dipl.-Biol.
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Chair of Molecular Biotechnology
Chair of Molecular Biotechnology
Visiting address:
Fakultät Biologie, BIO Raum 101 Zellescher Weg 20b
01217 Dresden

Technische Mitarbeiterin
NameSilke Hoffmann
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