Exzellenzcluster ct.qmat
The chair of Inorganic Chemistry II, as part of the Excellence Cluster “Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter (ct.qmat)”, is participating in the research of topological states in quantum materials. In a large collaborative network with the Julius-Maximilians-University (JMU), researchers from across physics, chemistry and the materials sciences will explore and deepen the understanding and knowledge of this class of materials.
The role of the work group will be the achievement of qualitatively high-quality syntheses of new compounds that express the desired characteristics, the competence of which has been proven over the last couple of years. An example of this is the synthesis of the first weak three-dimensional topological insulator.[1] In cooperation with the JMU Würzburg, current work being done on researching magnetic topological insulators could also play an increasingly crucial role.
Ever since the approval of the cluster on 27.08.2018 was announced, has the work and research done in this field been intensified. The project therefore joined already existing cooperations and will be further enhanced by the work of the affiliated research institutes (HZDR, MPI-CPfS, MPI_PKA, IFW, ZAE).
Websites: TU Dresden
Universität Würzburg
Mr Prof. Dr. Michael Ruck
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Chemie/Hydrowissenschaften, CHE 464 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
NameMr Eduardo Carrillo Lic. Cs.
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Chemie/Hydrowissenschaften, 4th Floor, Room 458 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden