M.Sc. Sai Li

Phd student
NameLi Sai M.Sc.
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Research topic
novel ligands synthesis for lithium and other critical metals (Ni, Co) recovery from spent lithium batteries
2020 3 Multi-stimuli responsive behaviors of two TPE-based tautomers in the solid state and in solution; H-W. Zheng, S. Li, Y. Kang, J-B. Li, Q-F. Liang, X-J. Zheng, D-C. Fang, L-P. Jin; J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, 8, 4246-4252.
2019 2 Grinding-Triggered Single Crystal-to-Single Crystal Transformation of a Zinc(II) Complex: Mechanochromic Luminescence and Aggregation-Induced Emission Properties; S. Li, M. Wu, Y. Kang, H-W. Zheng, X-J. Zheng, D-C. Fang and L-P. Jin; Inorg. Chem., 2019, 58, 7, 4626-4633.
2018 1 Photophysical properties of a D-pi-A Schiff base and its applications in the detection of metal ions; Y. Kang, Z. Liao, M. Wu, S. Li, D-C. Fang, X-J. Zheng, L-P. Jin; Dalton Trans., 2018, 47, 13730-13738.