Single Crystal Diffractometer Bruker Kappa Apex
Data Collection of Single Crystals in Temperature Range 100 - 300 K.
Mo Kα (λ = 0.71073 Å, ceramic X-ray tube, 50 kV, 30 mA, graphitic monochromator, 0.2 mm collimator)
80-400 K (Oxford Cryostream 700), accuracy ±0.1 K, cooling time to 100 K: 30 min, refrigerated nitrogen flow rate 5-10 l/min
APEX II - Fairchild Imaging CCD6161 chip: 4K by 4K solid state Charge Coupled Device (CCD) Full Frame sensor, pixel pitch 15 µm with 100% fill factor, size 6.2 cm by 6.2 cm.
KAPPA four-circle goniometer
Private Lecturer and Associated Professor
NameMr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Thomas Doert
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Chemie/Hydrowissenschaften, CHE 456 Bergstraße 66
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