The Chair of Physical Chemistry
The research group of Prof. Eychmüller is focused on the synthesis of semiconductor and of nobel metal nanoparticles, on photo-electrochemistry, on self-assembly (aerogels and mesocrystals) and on applications, particularly LEDs, thermoelectricity and full cells.

Physical Chemistry
The Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry was founded in 1900 as the Electrochemical Laboratory by Fritz Foerster (1866-1931) at that time "Technische Hochschule Dresden". In 2005, the Institute in the Erich Müller Bau (currently closed) was dissolved into independent Chairs. These are currently the Chair of Theoretical Chemistry (in the König-Bau), the Chair of Physical Chemistry and the Chair of Electrochemistry (both in the Andreas-Schubert-Bau). There are also jointly appointed Chair of Physical Chemistry of Polymeric Materials (with the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden e.V., IPF, Prof. Fery) and the Chair of Physical Chemistry, Measurement and Sensor Technology (with the Kurt Schwabe Institute for Measurement and Sensor Technology, Meinberg, KSI, Prof. Rant).