Collaborative Research Centre 1415
The Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1415 "Chemistry of Synthetic Two-Dimensional Materials" aims on the controlled "bottom-up" synthesis and development of novel synthetic two-dimensional materials (2DMs) with high structural definition at the atomic or molecular level. This is complemented by in-situ and ex-situ characterization of 2DMs. Furthermore, theoretical methods and models make an essential contribution to the prediction of the formation of 2DMs and their physical/chemical properties. Based on the substantial progress made during the last 4 years, the CRC will shift its scientific focus towards understanding and tailoring the functional properties of synthetic 2DMs (e.g., (opto)electronic properties, topological and magnetic properties, catalysis, as well as ion transport and ion storage properties) and will address how these properties evolve in 2D heterostructures.
The CRC is composed of 25 scientific projects, with in total 24 prinicpal investigators, an Integrated Research Training Group as well as an centralized administration project. Five independent research institutions contribute to the research initiative:
- Technische Universität Dresden
- Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V.
- Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden
- Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf.
The CRC is granted by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft since 07/2020.