International early career scientists
The School of Science at TU Dresden extends a warm welcome to international early career scientists. With its five Faculties, the School provides a diverse range of disciplines in which international doctoral studies and research can be carried out.
In this context, special attention is paid to interdisciplinary research activities, which are realized, for example, in a number of structured doctoral programs.
In the Dresden region, non-university research institutions with their numerous research opportunities for doctoral candidates and postdocs are a mainstay of the excellent promotion of early career researchers.
Table of contents
Doing a doctorate at TU Dresden
The Graduate Academy of TU Dresden is the central contact and service point for all questions concerning the doctoral and the postdoc phases. During both of these phases, the Graduate Academy creates optimal conditions throughout the University.
You have obtained a university degree abroad and would like to do your doctorate at TU Dresden? If so, it is important that you have your degree checked beforehand to see whether it formally qualifies you for admission to a doctoral program. You can find out in advance about the recognition of your university and your degree on the pages of the Central Office for Foreign Education.
The International Office at TU Dresden is responsible for verifying your international university degree.
The first step for anyone from abroad interested in doing a doctorate at TU Dresden, is to get in touch with a potential doctoral supervisor. This is a prerequisite for being included on the list of doctoral candidates at a Faculty of TU Dresden.
If you fulfill all of the formal admission requirements and your supervisor has been confirmed, you may submit your application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate to the Doctoral Office of the School of Science. More information is available on the Doctoral Studies page.
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is an important funding provider. Here, you can already apply for funding for your doctoral project before your arrival in Germany and up to 15 months afterwards. One of the requirements for applying is that you have confirmation of supervision by a professor at a German university. You can research the various funding opportunities offered by the DAAD and other scholarship providers via the Scholarship database on the DAAD website.
Exchange visit while studying for a doctorate
Doctoral candidates who only wish to come to TU Dresden for up to two semesters without earning a degree should apply as an Exchange student.
If an exchange visit within the framework of the Erasmus exchange program is planned, early career scientists must contact their International Office.
Here, international early career scientists will find services to facilitate planning and staying at TU Dresden.
Welcome Center
Helping international early career scientists to find their feet in Dresden during a stay of three months or more, before and after arrival in Dresden.
Planning a move abroad: In any event, it is helpful to have a well-informed contact person at your destination. Ask someone who knows their way around. For your inquiries, more than 470 TU alumni are available worldwide as regional ambassadors. They make it easier for you to get started when you arrive, provide information about conditions in the host country, help arrange internships, and support you in making contacts.
Intercultural encounters and the exchange between international guests and Germans: International guests will find a wide range of offers at TU Dresden’s Cultural Office.
Making new friends – to this end, Studentenwerk Dresden and Café Lingua, the regulars’ table for language lovers, have interesting projects on offer.