19th International Congress of the International Society for Ethnopharmacology (June 12th – June 14th, 2019)
Dear colleagues,
it is a special privilege and a pleasure to invite you to the 19th International Congress of International Society for Ethnopharmacology (ISE), which will be held from
June 12th – June 14th, 2019 at the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany.
This congress will be dedicated to
“Ethnopharmacology – bridging cultures and continents”.
The Technische Universität Dresden is one of the eleven universities of excellence in Germany. The mission statement of our university is “Wissen schafft Brücken” (knowledge creates bridges). This comprises a sophisticated strategy for internationalization thereby bridging continents and cultures.
We know that ISE 2019 will bring together renowned scientists from all over the world and we invite you to participate actively in this exciting event. The congress aims to increase our knowledge on traditional medicinal products and of dietary constituents regarding their efficacy and safety in medical and healthcare applications. This comprises state-of-the-art pharmacology, knowledge of the molecular mode of action, advanced chemistry and the exploitation of the role of natural compounds in drug discovery and (bio)material sciences.
The city of Dresden has become one of the liveliest cities in Europe. It unites historical, architectural and cultural treasures with a vibrant, up to date research environment in many disciplines, most importantly biomedical sciences. In addition, the city of Dresden offers an outstanding infrastructure and a great hospitality.
We welcome you in Dresden and we wish you a fruitful and pleasant stay!
Warm regards,
Günter Vollmer

Chair Owner
NameProf.Dr.rer.nat.habil. Günter Vollmer
Eine verschlüsselte E-Mail über das SecureMail-Portal versenden (nur für TUD-externe Personen).
Chair of Molecular Cell Physiology and Endocrinology
This congress covers a wide variety of current topics, the main ones are:
- Neglected diseases
- Network pharmacology and systems biology
- Commercial success from traditional knowledge / Public Health
- Commercial globalization of traditional medicinal knowledge
- Best practice in pharmacology
- Ethnopharmacology and natural compound research in Africa
- Metabolic diseases and microbiome
- Womens health
- Outreach projects
Here you find more information regarding the invited speakers and the program
Congress Flyer
Congress Flyer can be downloaded here