Practical school studies
Teacher training in mathematics takes place in close connection with practical phases at schools in Dresden and Saxony.
In the module "Introduction to the Didactics of Mathematics", all students complete weekly practical school exercises during the semester. These are offered in the summer and winter semesters.
Our practical schools:
In the specialization modules "Didactics of Mathematics for Secondary School Teachers" and "Didactics of Mathematics for Secondary School Teachers", a four-week block internship takes place, which begins at the end of each semester with an introductory event. We will inform you of the location and date in good time here and in the Mathematics Education display case.
Both internships are supervised by the Chair of Mathematics Education. Internship supervisor
The internship places are managed online in the internship portal.
You can find further information on the practical school studies here.
Current events
The introductory event for the block internship B takes place at the end of the course period before the internship phase. Further information can be found in the mathematics didactics display case and on the Chair's homepage under News.
Information on the booking process for the internship in the internship portal for the coming semester can also be found on the Chair's homepage under News.