Welcoming addresses
Jens Mittelbach, Dr., representing the Saxon State and University Library Dresden (SLUB) being the host of the LGLS

Jens Mittelbach
Jens Mittelbach is head of the SLUB's user services and information. He holds a PhD in English literature but he is a technical enthusiast with a passion for 3D modelling and web development. He is proud to be among those who are responsible for the SLUB's Makerspace.
Axel Voigt, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil., Chair of Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics, TU Dresden, representing the TU Dresden as one of the sponsors and in particular the Faculty of Mathematics

Axel Voigt
Axel Voigt is professor for Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics at Technische Universität Dresden. He works on problems in biology, materials science and at the interface between mathematics, design and art. In addition his research group develops the finite element toolbox AMDiS.
Silke Scheerer, Dr.-Ing., representing the DFG-Priority Programm »Concrete Light« (SPP 1542) lead by Prof. Manfred Curbach

Silke Scheerer
Silke Scheerer was born in Dresden and studied Civil Engineering at the Technische Universität Dresden. After completing her studies, she started as a research associate at the institute of Professor Manfred Curbach. In her dissertation she dealt with constructive lightweight concrete. As a postdoc, she is responsible for quality assurance at the institute and the coordination of the SPP 1542.
Keynote speakers, critics, instructors
Masayo Ave, Prof., Product Design, Berlin

Masayo Ave
Born in Tokyo in 1962. The founder of MasayoAve creation and SED.Lab – Sensory Experience Design Laboratory in Berlin. Graduate in Architecture of Hosei University in Tokyo. MA in Industrial design in Domus Academy in Milan. Her illustrious carrier as a designer began in Milan in the early´90's. Over the productive decades, she has been also active to develop the cross-disciplinary design educational programs in the realm of sensory experience design pedagogy. She served as a professor in the University of Arts in Berlin in 2004-07, in the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2007-09 and currently is a professor of product design in the BAU International Berlin University of Applied Sciences.
Tulga Beyerle, Director of the Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden

Tulga Beyerle
Tulga Beyerle (born in Vienna) is a contemporary design expert and currently director of the Museum of Decorative Art, State Art Collection Dresden. Previously she had been working as a freelance design curator and is co-founding member of the international renown festival Vienna Design Week, of which she was co-director from 2007 until 2013. She curated numerous exhibitions in Austria, Germany, Portugal, Scotland et al. As expert she is member of several curatorial boards and Jurys, like the scientific board of MUDAC in Lausanne or the advisory board of the Federal Chancellor of culture and arts in Austria. From beginning of December 2018 she will be director of the „Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe“ in Hamburg.
Max Dombrowski

Max Dombrowski
Max Dombrowski is a student assistant at the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin), under the direction of Professor Mike Schlaich. Dombrowski is currently studying in the master program of civil engineering focusing on structural engineering as well as statics and dynamics. His master thesis is dealing with the computational optimization of concrete shells with ruled surface geometry and on the design of prestressed carbon-concrete structures.
Martin Eichenauer, Dipl.-Ing., GMV, TU Dresden

Martin Eichenauer
Martin Eichenauer studied civil engineering at the TU Dresden. He wrote his diploma thesis about tensegrity structures at the professorship for timber engineering and constructional design. He spent a lot of time studying force-driven formfinding methods. He is currently working at the institute of geometry in the research group Geometric Modeling and Visualization. He specialized on algorithmic modeling and hot wire cutting.
Andreas Erben, Dipl.-Ing., Assistant at Fraunhofer IWU, Department Adaptronik
Benjamin Felbrich, Dip.-Ing.

Benjamin Felbrich
Benjamin is a PhD Candidate at the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. In 2014 he finalized his architecture studies at TU Dresden with an award-winning scientific thesis on bio-inspired robotics in architecture. At ICD he worked on bio-inspired robotic 3D-printing, robotic collaboration for CFRP construction, physics simulation in CAD Software and artificial intelligence. Since 2016 he has been developing the physics simulation engine FlexHopper.
Konrad Freymann

Konrad Freymann
Konrad Freymann studied structural engineering at the TU Berlin. Taking part in the research for optimization of concrete shells at the chair of conceptual and structural design (Prof. Mike Schlaich) he developed a grasshopper interface to Sofistik as part of his master thesis. Since November 2016, Konrad is working as a young engineer at sbp in Berlin.
Maik Gude, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil., Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, TU Dresden

Maik Gude
Professor Maik Gude, full professor at Technische Universität Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, has more than 20 years of experience in lightweight engineering with the focus in material characterization, lightweight design, function integration, structural simulation and process development. Author of more than 250 research papers in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings. He is Director of the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre (UTC) Dresden “Lightweight Structures and Materials and Robust Design”, Member of the Scientific Alliance of the University Professors of Plastics Technology (WAK); Member of the Board of the Saxon Alliance for MAterial- and Resource-Efficient TechnOlogies (AMARETO), and Speaker of the National Platform “FOREL” funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Johann Kollegger, o.Univ.Prof. Dr.-Ing., Institut für Tragkonstruktionen / Betonbau, Technische Universität Wien

Johann Kollegger
Prof. Kollegger received his engineering education at universities in Graz (Austria), Berkeley (USA) and Kassel (Germany). He worked as head of the engineering department of Philip Holzmann AG in Hannover and as general Manager of VSL Vorspanntechnik GmbH in Berlin before joining TU Wien in the year 1998 as professor for structural concrete.
Toni Kotnik, Professor of Design of Structures, Aalto University, Finland

Toni Kotnik
Toni Kotnik is Professor of Design of Structures at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland. He studied architecture, mathematics and Computational Design & Digital Fabrication in Germany, Switzerland and the US. Before joining Aalto he taught among others at the ETH in Zurich, the Architectural Association (AA) in London, the Institute for Experimental Architecture at the University of Innsbruck and the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).
Jack Lehrecke

Jack Lehrecke
Jack Lehrecke is enrolled in the Master Program of Civil Engineering at the TU Berlin with a focus on spatial structures and statics and dynamics. He completed his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at the University of Vermont (USA) and is currently writing his thesis for the department of conceptual and structural design under the direction of Professor Mike Schlaich. His topic involves parametric design and the optimization of ruled surface concrete shells.
Daniel Lordick, Prof. Dr.-Ing., Head of GMV and organizer of LGLS, TU Dresden

Daniel Lordick
Daniel Lordick studied architecture at the TU Berlin and the Carleton University in Ottawa. He holds a doctoral degree from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology for a dissertation in the field of line geometry and is professor at the TU Dresden, leading the research group Geometric Modelling and Visualization. He is involved in several research projects in the fields of architecture, civil engineering and additive manufacturing.
Kevin Noack, M.Sc., GMV, TU Dresden

Kevin Noack
Kevin Noack has studied mathematics with economics at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg (B.Sc.) and the TU Dresden (M.Sc.). His bachelor thesis dealt with a statistical evaluation of solar radiation data. The topic of his master thesis was orthogonal strip and bin packing problems. Noack works in the research group of Prof. Daniel Lordick since April 2017, first within the SPP 1542 about a line geometry model and its implementation into Grasshopper. Then he started working in the instaf project, devoloping fractal structures for high perfomance heat exchangers from additive manufactured ceramics.
Juan Pablo Osman Letelier, Dipl.-Ing., Conceptual and Structural Design, TU Berlin

Juan Pablo Osman Letelier
Juan Pablo Osman-Letelier is a research assistant at the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin), under the direction of Professor Mike Schlaich. Osman Letelier studied structural engineering at the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh), Chile, and at the Technical University of Dresden (TU Dresden), Germany. His research at the TU Berlin focuses on computational optimization of concrete shells with ruled surface geometry and on the design of prestressed carbon-concrete structures.
Robert Päßler

Robert Päßler
Robert Päßler studied mathematics at the University in Leipzig. He is a scientific assistant at the TU Dresden and is working in the DAMM project (Digital Archive of Mathematical Models) since 2015. He is writing his PhD thesis about the significance of material models in the development of mathematical teaching media.
Oliver Sander, Prof. Dr., Chair of Numerics of Partial Differential Equations, TU Dresden

Oliver Sander
Oliver Sander is professor for Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations at the Technical University Dresden. He specializes in computational mechanics, in particular in nonsmooth and nonlinear phenomena like fracture, plasticity, and materials with orientation. In addition, he is a developer of the well-known Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment (Dune).
Mike Schlaich, Prof. Dr. sc. techn.

Mike Schlaich
Prof. Mike Schlaich heads the Chair of Conceptual and Structural Design at Technische Universität Berlin. In research and teaching he focuses not only on active and transformable systems and infralightweight concrete, but also on cable-supported bridges and carbon fibers for tension elements. At Schlaich bergerman partners he is managing director and responsible for worldwide designs. He worked with renowned architects on numerous projects and won national and international awards.
Axel Spickenheuer, Dr., Head of Workgroup of Complex Structural Components, IPF Dresden

Axel Spickenheuer
Dr. Axel Spickenheuer studied aerospace engineering in Dresden and Japan. Since 2005, he works as scientist at the Leibniz-IPF Dresden and leads since 2011 the Workgroup of Complex Structural Components. In 2013, he co-founded the Complex Fiber Structures GmbH. Dr. Spickenheuer obtained his PhD in material science in 2014. His main research interest is the exploitation of anisotropic composite material properties for extreme lightweight structures by applying variable-axial fiber designs.
Milena Stavric, Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn., TU Graz

Milena Stavric
Milena Stavric, Ass. Professor at Graz University of Technology. She lectured at the Academy of fine Arts in Vienna, University of Applied Science in Graz and Zagreb, University of Banja Luka and Novi Sad, and Universidad Anáhuac, Mexico City. She was also visiting scholar at the Harvard University – GSD joining MaP+S Group. The focus of her work is on architectural geometry, digital methods and presentation, robotic in architecture, parametric modelling and digital fabrication.
Diana Wehmeier, artist
As technology has advanced, so has science fiction, painting more and more realistic portraits of what life in space could look like. Science and Sci-Fi are slowly coming together forming a new reality where the craziest dreams have started to become true. What impact does the life as an interplanetary species have on politics, economy, culture and architecture?
Sabine Zimmermann-Törne, artist and curator

Sabine Zimmermann-Törne
Sabine Zimmermann-Törne works as a curator since 2005 for different museums and specific science organisations. Her exhibitions broach the issue of natural scientific, philosophy, history and contemporary art. She supports the collaboration between artists and scientists and works at the management board of DZWK - Dresden center for science and art. The objects, which will be develope by the LGLS Summer School will be a part of the “REALTIME”-Exhibition in CRTD - Centre for regenerative therapy Dresden.
No. | Last name | First name | Affiliaton (Country) |
1 | Bartz | Marie | Heidelberg (Germany) |
2 | Busse | Paul Martin | Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) |
3 | Dombrowski | Max | Technische Universität Berlin (Germany) |
4 | Felbrich | Benjamin | University of Stuttgart (Germany) |
5 | Freymann | Konrad | Technische Universität Berlin (Germany) |
6 | Garibaldi | Maria Patricia | Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) |
7 | Ilić | Maja | University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
8 | Jovic | Biljana | University of Belgrade (Serbia) |
9 | Kodrnja | Iva | University of Zagreb (Croatia) |
10 | Koncul | Helena | University of Zagreb (Croatia) |
11 | Lehrecke | Jack | Technische Universität Berlin (Germany) |
12 | Mudri | Marina | Novi Sad (Serbia) |
13 | Oberbichler | Thomas | Technical University of Munich (Germany) |
14 | Pohl | Katrin | Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) |
15 | Schmidtke | Julien Antoine | Stuttgart (Germany) |
16 | Schuh | Birgit | Dresden (Germany) |
17 | Schulze-Ardey | Jan Philip | RWTH Aachen University (Germany) |
18 | Tošić | Zlata | University of Niš (Serbia) |
19 | Tsubaki | Shinnosuke | Hosei University (Japan) |
20 | Vakaliuk | Iurii | Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) |
21 | Varga | Milan | University of Belgrade (Serbia) |
22 | Wetzel | Anna | ArtEZ University of the Arts (Netherlands) |
23 | Wilhelm | Sebastian | Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) |
24 | Xenos | Nikolaos | University of Stuttgart (Germany) |
Daniel Lordick (organizer)
Martin Friedrich Eichenauer (TU Dresden)
Kevin Noack (TU Dresden)
Robert Päßler (TU Dresden)
Juan Pablo Osman Letelier (TU Berlin)
Valentin Schmid (best boy)
Diana Wehmeier (social media)
Sabine Zimmermann-Törne (exhibition curator)
Carsten Ress (video documentation,