Klaus Böhnlein
I am a scientific assistant at the chair of numerics of partial differential equations held by Prof. Dr. Oliver Sander.

Scientific Assistant
NameMr Klaus Böhnlein M.Sc.
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Heterogeneous thin structures with prestrain (Research Unit 3013)
- Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment (DUNE)
Semester | Module |
Task |
Summer 2022 | Spezielle Kapitel der Mathematik Teil 2 | Teaching Assistant |
Winter 2021 |
"Spezielle Kapitel der Mathematik Teil 1" |
Teaching Assistant |
Summer 2021 | "Mathematik 2" | Teaching Assistant |
Winter 2020 | "Mathematik 1" |
Teaching Assistant |
- Master of Science (Mathematics)
- Technische Universität Dresden, 2020
- Master thesis : "Pressure-robust Discretizations for a generalized Stokes problem"
- Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gunar Matthies
- Lohrmann-Medal 2020