SPART 2018 - Stochastic Processes and Random Trees
Thursday, October 11th and Friday, October 12th 2018
This workshop aimed to bring together a range of researchers who are interested in the study of random trees or other random discrete combinatorial structures via stochastic processes, and vice versa.
Presented Talks:
Nicolas Broutin (Paris): Limits of inhomogeneous random graphs
Martin Byrenheid (Dresden): On the maximum degree in preferential attachment trees
Steffen Dereich (Münster): Quasi-processes for branching Markov chains
Nina Gantert (Munich): Large deviations for the maximum of a branching random walk
Rudolf Grübel (Hanover): Trees: From algorithms to arbotons
Zakhar Kabluchko (Münster): Edgeworth expansions for profiles of random trees
Amaury Lambert (Paris): Nested coalescents and coagulation-transport equations
Peter Mörters (Cologne): Branching with Reinforcement
Jan Nagel (Eindhoven): Random walk on a barely supercritical branching random walk
Cornelia Pokalyuk (Frankfurt): A host-parasite model for the human cytomegalovirus
Jan Swart (Prague): Recursive tree processes and the mean-field limit of stochastic flows
Anita Winter (Duisburg-Essen): Aldous Markov chain on cladograms
Abstracts: The detailed programme including titles and abstracts can be downloaded here.
Organizers: Anita Behme and Helmut Pitters
Location: C207, Willersbau, Zellescher Weg 12-14, Dresden