Dresdner Schriften zur Mathematischen Stochastik
ISSN 0946-4735
Herausgeber: Die Professoren des Instituts für Mathematische Stochastik
2021 2017 2016 2015 2013 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994
2021 | |
2/2021 | Dietmar Ferger On the locations of maxima and minima in a sequence of exchangeable random variables |
1/2021 | Dietmar Ferger A Continuous Mapping Theorem for the Argmin-Set Functional with Applications to Convex Stochastic Processes |
2017 | |
2/2017 | Dietmar Ferger On the supremum of a Brownian bridge standardized by its maximizing point with applications to statistics |
1/2017 | Dietmar Ferger Weak Convergence of Probability Measures to Choquet Capacity Functionals |
2016 | |
3/2016 | Dietmar Ferger Asymptotic tail bounds for the Dempfle-Stute estimator in general regression models |
2/2016 | Dietmar Ferger Density estimation via best L2–approximation on classes of step functions |
1/2016 | Jürgen Franz Vorlesungen über Zuverlässigkeit und Statistik bei reparierbaren Systemen |
2015 | |
2/2015 | Wilfried Schenk Zur Geschichte der Stochastik an der TU Dresden (Die Anfänge nach 1945 bis 1968) |
1/2015 | Dietmar Ferger Arginf-sets of multivariate cadlag processes and their convergence in hyperspace topologies |
2014 keine Veröffentlichungen | |
2013 | |
3/2013 | Daniel Tillich, Dietmar Ferger Estimation of rating classes and default probabilities in credit risk models with dependencies |
2/2013 | Dietmar Ferger Optimal Constants in the Marcinkiewicz--Zygmund Inequalities |
1/2013 | Dietmar Ferger Moment equalities for sums of random variables via integer partitions and Faà di Bruno's Formula |
2012 keine Veröffentlichungen | |
2011 | |
4/2011 | Mark Freidlin, Matthias Weber Perturbations of the motion of a charged particle in a noisy magnetic field. |
3/2011 | Dietmar Ferger, Jens Klotsche and Ulrike Lüken Estimation and testing of crossing–points in fixed design regression. |
2/2011 | Dietmar Ferger On the Argmin–Sets of Stochastic Processes and their Distributional Convergence in Fell–Type–Topologies. |
1/2011 | Jürgen Franz, Diana Pietzner Statistical Models and Parameter Estimation for Repairable Systems. |
2010 | |
2/2010 | Michael Scholz Verteilungskonvergenz für V– und U–Statistiken basierend auf multiplen stochastischen Integralen vom Wienertyp. |
1/2010 | Dietmar Ferger On the Argmin–sets of stochastic processes and their distributional convergence in Fell–type–topologies. |
2009 | |
9/2009 | Jürgen Franz, Diana Pietzner A Discussion on Modeling and Parameter Estimation in Trend-Renewal Processes. |
8/2009 | Anja Voß–Böhme, Wilfried Schenk, Ann-Kathrin Köllner On the Duality Relation between Interacting Particle Systems and Markov Chains. |
7/2009 | Dietmar Ferger Stochastische Prozesse mit Strukturbrüchen. |
6/2009 | Anja Voß–Böhme A Core for Generators of Interacting Particle Systems. |
5/2009 | Dietmar Ferger Minimum distance estimation in normed linear spaces with Donsker–classes. |
4/2009 | Anja Voß–Böhme, Andreas Deutsch The cellular basis of cell sorting kinetics. |
3/2009 | Tobias Klauß, Anja Voß–Böhme Two types of phase transitions in an interacting particle system for collective migration. |
2/2009 | Anja Voß–Böhme Gibbsian characterization for the reversible measures of interacting particle systems. |
1/2009 | Dietmar Ferger, Jens Klotsche Estimation of split–points in binary regression trees. |
2008 | |
3/2008 | Dietmar Ferger Argmax– stable marked empirical processes. |
2/2008 | Lorenz Goenner Ungleichungen für charakteristische Funktionen. |
1/2008 | Dietmar Ferger, Michael Scholz Limit Distributions of V– and U–Statistics in Terms of Multiple Stochastic Wiener– Type Integrals. |
2007 | |
2/2007 | Robert Knobloch, Lothar Partzsch Uniform Conditional Ergodicity and Intrinsic Ultracontractivity. |
1/2007 | Dietmar Ferger, Daniel Vogel Weak Convergence of the empirical process and the rescaled empirical distribution function in the Skorokhod product space. |
2006 | |
1/2006 | Jens Klotsche, Lars Pieper, Dietmar Ferger Estimation of an optimal cut–off for a continuous risk factor for estimating clinically valid thresholds . |
2005 | |
3/2005 | Mark Freidlin, Matthias Weber Small Diffusion Asymptotics for Exit Problems on Graphs. |
2/2005 | Jürgen Franz On Posterior Distribution and Loss Functions for Parameter Estimation in Weibull Processes. |
1/2005 | Dietmar Hudak, Matthias Weber Generators of Diffusion Processes on Trees, their Resolvent and their Extension to Self–Adjoint Operators. |
2004 | |
4/2004 | Mark Freidlin, Matthias Weber On stochasticity of solutions of differential equations with a small delay. |
3/2004 | Dietmar Ferger, Wiltrud Kuhlisch A test for a jump point in the Weibull distribution with application to a problem in the materials research. |
2/2004 | Dietmar Ferger The Maximum Likelihood method with estimated nuisance parameters in nonparametric hazard rate models with discontinuities. |
1/2004 | Dietmar Ferger Weighted least squares estimators for a change–point. |
2003 | |
10/2003 | Dietmar Ferger A two–dimensional Cramér–von Mises test for the two–sample problem with dispersion alternatives. |
9/2003 | Jürgen Franz, Yahia Abdel–Aty, M. A. Mahmoud Bayesian Prediction intervals for sample functions from a general class of distribution. |
8/2003 | Jürgen Franz, Yahia Abdel–Aty, M. A. Mahmoud Bayesian Prediction bounds for sample functions in the case of exponential distribution. |
7/2003 | Jürgen Franz, Yahia Abdel–Aty Bayes Inference Problems in Failure–Repair Processes. |
6/2003 | Yahia Abdel–Aty, Dietmar Ferger Estimation of the jump–point in a Hazard function. |
5/2003 | Matthias Weber An equilibrium model for optimal forward positions in electricity markets. |
4/2003 | Yahia Ali Bayesian prediction bounds for the exponential distribution with one jump. |
3/2003 | Dietmar Ferger Berry–Esséen estimates in arcsine– and inverse Gaussian laws for U–statistics. |
2/2003 | Dietmar Ferger On the minimizing point of the incorrect centered empirical process and its limit distribution in nonregular experiments. |
1/2003 | Mark Freidlin, Matthias Weber Random Perturbations of Dynamical Systems and Diffusion Processes with Conservation Laws. |
2002 | |
8/2002 | Juri Hinz Modeling day–ahead electricity prices. |
7/2002 | Juri Hinz On pricing of electricity contracts by production capacity investments. |
6/2002 | Juri Hinz Optimal bid strategies for electricity auctions. |
5/2002 | Dietmar Ferger Boundary estimation based on set–indexed empirical processes. |
4/2002 | Jan Rudl, Volker Nollau On the Limiting Distribution of Stock Prices in Binomial Models. |
3/2002 | Dietmar Ferger On the Almost Sure Convergence of Maximum Likelihood–Type Estimators for a Change–Point. |
2/2002 | Juri Hinz, Matthias Weber A production–based approach to valuation of electricity derivatives. |
1/2002 | Robert Elliott, Juri Hinz On portfolio efficiency of data modeling. |
2001 | |
6/2001 | Dietmar Ferger A Continuous Mapping Theorem for the Argmax–Functional in the Non–unique Case. |
5/2001 | Dietmar Ferger The exact distribution of the maximizing point of the two–sample empirical process. |
4/2001 | Ausgewählte Beiträge des Workshops "Stochastische Modelle und ihre Anwendungen" zusammengestellt von Dietmar Ferger und Jürgen Franz |
3/2001 | Dietmar Ferger Maximal asymptotic power and efficiency of two–sample tests based on generalized U–statistics. |
2/2001 | Juri Hinz, Matthias Weber, Michael Weber On optimal forward positions in electricity markets. |
1/2001 | Shaban El–Shehawy, Hans–Otfried Müller, Volker Nollau Auswahl und Bewertung von Modellen für Retentionsfunktionen unter Verwendung von NLRCHOICE. |
2000 | |
4/2000 | Henrik Winkler On exceptional extensions of symmetric relations with defect numbers (1,1). |
3/2000 | Henrik Winkler Spectral representations of canonical systems on a ramified domain. |
2/2000 | Ilse Ilsche, Volker Nollau Statistische Aufbereitung und Auswertung gesteinstechnischer Daten. |
1/2000 | Mark Freidlin, Matthias Weber On random perturbations of Hamiltonian systems with many degrees of freedom. |
1999 | |
11/1999 | Jürgen Franz, Richard Magiera Parameter Estimation for Switched Counting Processes. |
10/1999 | Matthias Weber On Random Perturbations of Nonlinear Oscillators and other Questions related to Diffusion Processes on Trees (Habilitationsschrift). |
9/1999 | Zhenmin Chen, Dietmar Ferger, Jie Mi Estimation of the Change Point of a Distribution Based on the Number of Failed Test Items. |
8/1999 | Shaban El–Shehawy, Hans–Otfried Müller, Volker Nollau Simulationsstudie zur Parameterschätzung für Retentionsfunktion III (Vergleich verschiedener Bodensorten hinsichtlich der van Genuchten–Modelle). |
7/1999 | Dietmar Hudak, Volker Nollau Approximative Lösungen und Suboptimalitätstests für diskontierte Semi–Markovsche Entscheidungsmodelle mit abzählbarem Zustandsraum. |
6/1999 | Dietmar Ferger Analysis of change–point estimators under the null–hypothesis. |
5/1999 | Jürgen Franz On Estimation of Wearout Limits. |
4/1999 | Dietmar Ferger Exponential and Polynomial Tailbounds for Change–Point estimators. |
3/1999 | Shaban El–Shehawy, Hans–Otfried Müller, Volker Nollau Simulationsstudie zur Parameterschätzung für Retentionsfunktion II (4–parametriges Modell von van Genuchten). |
2/1999 | Shaban El–Shehawy, Hans–Otfried Müller, Volker Nollau Simulationsstudie zur Parameterschätzung für Retentionsfunktion I (5–parametrige Modelle von van Genuchten). |
1/1999 | Matthias Weber An Eigenvalue Depending Boundary Value Problem for Diffusion Processes and Birth–and–Death Processes on Graphs. |
1998 | |
9/1998 | Anja Voß–Böhme Asymptotic Mass Distribution for the One–dimensional Heat Equation with Stationary Potential. |
8/1998 | Dietmar Ferger On the Uniqueness of Maximizers of Markov–Gaussian Processes. |
7/1998 | Henrik Winkler Canonical systems and the generalized Friedrichs and Krein– von Neumann extensions. |
6/1998 | Henrik Winkler Small Perturbations of Canonical Systems. |
5/1998 | Lubos Polerecky, Peter Neumann Application of Monte Carlo method in solving 2D elliptic partial differential equations. |
4/1998 | Gudrun Freitag, Gisela Wittwer On a Markov–regime model. |
3/1998 | Michael Kücken, Peter Neumann A Global Optimization Algorithm Based on Estimations of Cover Probabilities. |
2/1998 | Mojca Piskuric, Peter Neumann Two–person Hi–Lo Stud Poker. |
1/1998 | Jürgen Franz Optimal Parameter Estimation for Markov Modulated Poisson Processes. |
1997 | |
11/1997 | Volker Nollau, Dietmar Hudak A Modified Gauß–Seidel–Algorithm with Exclusion of Suboptimal Actions for a Class of Semi–Markovian Decision. |
10/1997 | Henrik Winkler Spectral Estimations for Canonical Systems. |
9/1997 | Dietmar Ferger Change–Point Analysis of Censored Data. |
8/1997 | Dietmar Ferger Testing for the Existence of a Change–Point in a Specified Time Interval. |
7/1997 | Peter Hinow, Peter Neumann, Martin Potuznik Deterministic patterns in pseudorandom point sets. |
6/1997 | Heinz Langer, Henrik Winkler Direct and inverse spectral problems for generelized strings. |
5/1997 | Mark Freidlin, Matthias Weber A Remark on Random Perturbations of Nonlinear Pendulum. |
4/1997 | Jürgen Franz On Statistics in Failure–Repair Models under Censoring. |
3/1997 | Henrik Winkler Canonical Systems with a Semibounded Spectrum. |
2/1997 | Vladimir Mazalov Stochastic Dynamic Programming and Behavioral Ecology Problems. |
1/1997 | Mark Freidlin, Matthias Weber Random Perturbations of Nonlinear Oscillators. |
1996 | |
5/1996 | Nollau, Volker, Rudl, Jan Zur approximativen Lösung von diskontierten Semi–Markovschen Entscheidungsproblemen mittels asynchroner Verfahren. |
4/1996 | Weber, Matthias On the Matrix Spectral Function of a Generalized Second–Order Differential Operator in a Ramified Space. |
3/1996 | Nollau, Volker, Hudak, Dietmar Zur approximativen Lösung von diskontierten Semi–Markovschen Entscheidungsproblemen mittels eines modifizeirten Gauß–Seidel–Verfahrens. |
2/1996 | Dreier, Ilona On the uncertainty principle for positive definite densities. |
1/1996 | Franz, Jürgen, Magiera, Ryszard On Information Inequalities in Sequential Estimation for Stochastic Processes. |
1995 | |
18/1995 | Holger Dette, William J. Studden How many random walks correspond to a given set of return probabiltities to the origin?. |
17/1995 | Holger Dette, Axel Munk Validation of Linear Regression Models. |
16/1995 | Holger Dette A Lower Bound for Efficiencies with Applications. |
15/1995 | Holger Dette, Ingo Röder Optimal discrimination designs for multi–factor experiments. |
14/1995 | Claudia Czado, Axel Munk Nonparametric Validation of Similar Distributions and Proving Goodness of Fit. |
13/1995 | Volker Nollau The Bellman Equation for Vector–valued Semi–Markovian Dynamic Programming. |
12/1995 | Matthias Weber On the Reconstruction of a String from Spectral Data. |
11/1995 | Lawrence Dave Brown, Jiunn Tzon Gene Hwang, Axel Munk An Unbiased Test for the Bioequivalence Problem. |
10/1995 | Julian Nida–Rümelin, Thomas Schmidt, Axel Munk Interpersonal Dependency of Preferences. |
9/1995 | Holger Dette, Weng Kee Wong Robust Optimal Extrapolation Designs. |
8/1995 | Holger Dette, Jim Pitman, William J. Studden A New Duality Relation for Random Walks. |
7/1995 | Axel Munk Equivalence and Interval Testing for Lehmann's Alternative. |
6/1995 | Volker Nollau Zur Lösung eines semi–Markovschen Entscheidungsproblems mittels sukzessiver Überrelaxation. |
5/1995 | Holger Dette, H.–M. Neugebauer Bayesian optimal one point designs for one parameter nonlinear models. |
4/1995 | Gunter Döge Undiskontierte vektorwertige Semi–Markovsche Entscheidungsprozesse (Nichtergodischer Fall). |
3/1995 | Holger Dette Designing of experiments with respect to "standardized" optimality criteria. |
2/1995 | Axel Munk, Holger Dette Optimum allocation of treatments for Welch's Test in Bioequivalence Assessment. |
1/1995 | Volker Nollau Das Unendliche in mathematischer und philosophischer Sicht. |
1994 | |
18/1994 | Jürgen Franz On Estimation Problems in Random Censored Repair Models. |
17/1994 | Volker Nollau Inequalities for variances of concave and locally Lipschitz–continuous functions of random variables. |
16/1994 | Jürgen Franz, Ryszard Magiera Sequential Estimation for a Family of Counting Processes in the Nuisance Parameter Case. |
15/1994 | Gisela Wittwer M–estimation of the spectrum in the case of random sampling. |
14/1994 | Holger Dette On the generating functions of a random walk on the nonnegative integers. |
13/1994 | Holger Dette, William J. Studden A note on a peculiar property of the first return probabilities of a random walk. |
12/1994 | Holger Dette, Ingo Röder Optimal designs for multivariate regression with missing terms. |
11/1994 | Holger Dette, Weng Kee Wong Bayesian optimal designs for models with partially specified heteroscedastic structure. |
10/1994 | Holger Dette On the minimum of the Christoffel function. |
9/1994 | Holger Dette, Weng Kee Wong On G–efficiency calculation for polynomial models. |
8/1994 | Holger Dette Characterizations of generalized Hermite and sieved ultraspherical polynomials. |
7/1994 | Holger Dette, Stefan Sperlich Some applications of continued fractions in the construction of Bayesian optimal designs for nonlinear regression models. |
6/1994 | Holger Dette, Weng Kee Wong Recurrence moment formulas for D–optimal designs with applications. |
5/1994 | Holger Dette, Axel Munk Total positivity of a generalized Cauchy kernel with applications. |
4/1994 | Holger Dette A note on Bayesian optimal designs in nonlinear regression. |
3/1994 | Holger Dette Optimal design in nonlinear regression models. |
2/1994 | Holger Dette Optimal designs for identifying the degree of a polynomial regression. |
1/1994 | Matthias Weber On the generalized arc–sine law of A.Truman and D.Williams. |