Exploring Microstructures and Dynamics of Complex Systems at Multiple Scales
Prof. Zhi-Feng Huang
One of the long-lasting challenges in the study of advanced materials is how to effectively tackle the vast complexity of the system that is of nonequilibrium nature and involves multiple spatial and temporal scales. Of particular importance is the bridging between material microstructural details and mesoscopic patterns or structures, for which much of recent theoretical effort has been devoted to the development of novel density-field based approaches across different scales. In this talk I will discuss some recent advances in this field for the modeling of material microstructures and dynamics, particularly a rapidly developing area of phase field crystal methods, and some of the ongoing challenges. Sample topics include the emergence of ordered phases in both solid and soft-matter systems, structures and collective dynamics of topological defects in binary 2D materials such as h-BN, and a recent development in the continuum density-field modeling that simultaneously incorporates the micro-scale interparticle bond-angle anisotropy and the global-scale rotational invariance of the system.
Vortrag am 14.10.2019