Research at the chair of Prof. Lukas Eng
In the group of Professor Lukas M. Eng characterization on the nanometer-scale is combined with sophisticated materials science, spanning multiple research areas such as photo-physics, nano-optics, plasmonics, scanning probe microscopy and materials science.

Material characterization on the nanometer scale
In the group of Professor Lukas M. Eng characterization on the nanometer-scale is combined with sophisticated materials science, spanning multiple research areas such as photo-physics, nano-optics, plasmonics, scanning probe microscopy and materials science.
Currently examined materials include (multi-)ferroic systems, plasmonics structures, metamaterials, and 2D-materials. In a modular design, we examine electric, optical, magnetic, piezo-electric, and structural material properties under variable external conditions such as temperature, mechanical stress, magnetic and electric fields.
Our research is structured within the following research teams: