Angular-Selective Monochromatic Light Detectors
A monochromatic electromagnetic plane wave is characterized by three
fundamental properties: its frequency, polarization, and propagation
direction. While the first two characteristics can be easily controlled
in various ways, the propagation direction control (excluding trivial
light shadowing approaches) still turns to be a major scientific and
technological problem.
In this work, we will investigate dielectric microcavities as a key
element for angular-selective monochromatic light detectors. While
macroscopically being planar structures (the length scale in the growth
direction of the microcavity is very small in the wavelength range),
these planar microcavities, in conjunction with conventional Si-based
photodetectors, allow relatively easy control and geometric
manipulation of light on a large scale.
The research will contain a detailed and systematic investigation of
planar dielectric microcavities' angular, frequency, and polarization
characteristics. We shall find and define the conditions to achieve the
desirable and sufficient angular selectivity of the detector. All
structures will be designed and produced using our institute
Markas Sudzius,
Tel. (351) 463 32655
Krone-Bau, KRO 1.09