Aparajita Singha
Prof. Dr. Aparajita Singha
Chair of nanoscale quantum materials
The research activities of the Chair of Nanoscale Quantum Materials are focused in the field of nanoscale magnetism, coherent quantum control, and nanoscale transport phenomena using scanning probe techniques (scanning NV-magnetometry, AFM/STM). The group has been established since January 1, 2025 at the TUD.
Here is a brief overview of the ongoing projects:
One of our key focus in the field of quantum sensing is to improve optical and spin properties of quantum sensors and to create the least invasive method using such sensors, in order to understand atomic-scale magnetic structures, their interactions, and dynamics. Our recent works in this direction is published in Nano Letters (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c04733). Here is the link to our Emmy Noether project: https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/504973613
Using our confocal NV-magnetometry setup, we are already investigating various magnetic molecules and radicals that exhibit either complex photo-physics or spin dynamics.
We are also exploring complex spin textures and dynamics in domain walls in synthetic antiferromagnets using our home-built scanning NV magnetometry setup.
Very recently we have also succeeded in mapping magnetic auto-oscillations in nanoscale spin Hall nanooscillators at room temperature using a scanning NV-magnetometer. With this first direct experimental demonstration, we address major fundamental open questions regarding the formation and the nature of magnetic auto-oscillations in SHNOs, which are highly attractive as nanoscale microwave voltage and spin wave sources, as well as for neuromorphic computing hardware. This work has just been just been published in Nano Letters: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c05531
Links to Google Scholar and ORCiD
Key publications
- Nanoscale Mapping of Magnetic Auto-Oscillations with a Sigle Spin Sensor: Nano Letters (2024)
- Controlled surface modification to revive shallow NV centers: Nano Letters 23, 7 (2023)
- Engineering atomic-scale magnetic fields by dysprosium single atom magnets: Nature Communications 12, 4179 (2021)
- Mapping Orbital-Resolved Magnetism in Single Lanthanide Atoms: ACS Nano 15, 16162 (2021)
- All-optical and microwave-free detection of Meissner screening using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond: Journal of Applied Physics 129, 024306 (2021)
- Readout and control of an endofullerene electronic spin: Nature Communications 11, 6405 (2020)
- Tuning Single-Atom Electron Spin Resonance in a Vector Magnetic Field: Nano Letters 19, 8201 (2019)
Team members
Annegret Elsner (Secretary)
Dr. Ricardo Javier Peña Roman (Postdoctoral researcher)
Atharva Abhijit Paranjape (PhD student)
Sandip Maity (PhD student)
Olga Shevtsova (PhD student)
Contact details:
Prof. Dr. Aparajita Singha
Phone: +49351 463 42643
Visiting address:
Recknagel Bau, C-wing, room C207 Haeckelstr. 3
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD, Dresden University of Technology, Institut für Festkörper- und Materialphysik
Aparajita Singha
01069 Dresden