Neutron spectroscopy of condensed matter
The chair for neutron spectroscopy of condensed matter was established at the Institute for Solid State Physics in 2013. The corresponding work group, led by Prof. Dmytro Inosov, specializes in experimental investigations of magnetic excitations in various novel materials by means of inelastic neutron scattering. We study a broad range of physical phenomena, such as correlation effects, magnetic frustration, and magnetic ordering and dynamics in noncollinear magnets, low-dimensional systems, heavy-fermion compounds, and unconventional superconductors.
Main research interests:
• Magnetic ordering phenomena
• Neutron spectroscopy of magnetic excitations
• Korrelated electron systems, heavy fermion systems
• Unconventional superconductivity
• Magnetic frustration
Further information:
Publication list Curriculum Vitae ResearcherID: B-6781-2008