Our main collaborators are
Groups in ct.qmat and SFB1143: J. Geck, C. Timm, D. Inosov
Elena Gati, Andrew Mackenzie, Christoph Geibel, Seunghyun Khim, Manuel Brando, Claudia Felser, Helge Rosner, Yuri Grin, Andreas Leithe-Jasper, Eteri Svanidze, Michael Baenitz, Michael Nicklas (MPI CPfS in Dresden)
Gertrud Zwicknagl (TU Braunschweig)
Marc Wilde (TU Munich)
Philip Moll (MPI MPSD Hamburg)
Jörg Schmalian (KIT Karlsruhe)
Christophe Marcenat (NHMFL Grenoble, France)
Georg Knebel, Daniel Braithwaite (CEA Grenoble, France)
Christophe Marcenat (NHMFL Grenoble, France)
Stanislav Nikitin (Russia)
Oleg Starykh (The University of Utah, USA)
Ilya Sheikin (NHMFL Grenoble, France)
Kenji Ishida (Tokyo University, Japan)
Daniel Agterberg (Wisconsin University, USA)
Philip Brydon (University of Otago, New Zealand)
Binghai Yan (Weizmann Institute, Israel)
Naoki Kikugawa (Natl. Inst. Mat. Sci., Japan)
Kim Modic (IST, Austria)