Studying at the chair of low-temperature physics of complex electron systems
Our research group has developed state-of-the-art techniques to tackle open questions in the field of quantum materials at low temperature and in extreme conditions. Bachelor and master thesis projects on these topics are available in the group. We are embedded in the Institute for Solid State and Materials Physics in the TU Dresden's Faculty of Physics offering perfect conditions for studying physics with a specialisation in condensed matter physics and especially quantum materials. Last but not least, Dresden's strong research infrastructure on quantum materials enables many possibilities to interact with experts and collaborators.

Studying in our group
Studying at the Chair of Low-Temperature Physics of Complex Electron Systems
Our research group uses top-notch lab-based experiments on macroscopic properties at low temperature, in high pressure and in high magnetic field to study new phenomena in quantum materials. A first insight to low-temperature physics of quantum materials is given in the courses on this topic held by Prof. Hassinger. Students are welcome to join our group's research activities for bachelor or master thesis projects.
Studying physics at TU Dresden
General information on the physics program can be found on the websites of the physics faculty.
A list of current specialisation courses is given here.
Condensed matter physics in Dresden
Dresden has an outstanding research infrastructure in the field of condensed matter physics and especially quantum materials. The physics faculty at TU Dresden has a strong condensed matter physics section in both experiment and theory working closely together. Furthermore, we also profit from interactions with renown research institutes such as the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research and the Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf with its pulsed magnetic field facility. This environment attracts the world's best researchers in the field who you can meet regularly here in Dresden.