New Insights into High-Temperature Superconductors

Time resolved REXS
Within an international collaboration lead by M. Bluschke (University of British Colombia) and D. Hawthorn (University of Waterloo), a ground breaking experiment at the Pohang XFEL in Korea has provided new insights into the complex charge dynamics of high-temperature superconducting cuprates.
The team utilized the exceptional selectivity of resonant soft x-ray scattering to investigate specific electronic states, allowing them to probe the sub-picosecond dynamics of charge density waves and nematic order with unprecedented orbital sensitivity. These insights offer a deeper understanding of the fundamental behaviors in high-temperature superconductors.
These exciting findings have been recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), marking a significant advance in the field
Orbital-selective time-domain signature of nematicity dynamics in the charge-density-wave phase of La1.65Eu0.2Sr0.15CuO4, M. Bluschke et al., PNAS 121, e2400727121 (2024)