Zeiss Ultra
The Zeiss Ultra55 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), operating with a field emission cathode, offers a comprehensive suite of capabilities for imaging, elemental and crystallographic investigations and in-depth analysis.
For imaging purposes, the SEM is equipped with an Inlense and Everhardt-Thornley detector, using secondary electrons, as well as a 4-quadrant and an energy-selective detector for imaging by backscattered electrons. Moreover, the system includes a scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) detector.
For in-depth analysis, the SEM is features various cutting-edge systems: The Quantax system from Bruker enables energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) investigations, facilitating elemental analysis and mapping with high precision. The Channel5 system from HKL/Oxford for electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD), allows for detailed crystallographic analysis of samples. The SEM is also equipped with a comprehensive system for cathodoluminescence investigations, comprising an adjustable parabolic mirror, Czerny-Turner monochromator, and detectors covering the UV to IR range. This setup enables the characterization of luminescent properties in a broad spectral range.
Three sample stages are available, one for measurements at room temperature with six independent axes which allows eucentric tilting, one for low-temperature measurements down to 5 K with three axes, one for in-situ measurements under tension or compression at room temperature.