Die Professur stellt sich vor
Wir forschen zum Thema Chaos und Quantenchaos und vertreten in der Lehre die Kursvorlesungen der Theoretischen Physik, die Lehrveranstaltung Computational Physics und Themen des Hamiltonschen Chaos und des Quantenchaos.

- Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 074101 (2018): Resonance eigenfunction hypothesis for chaotic systems
- Dr. Martin Julius Körber awarded the Georg-Helm-Prize for his dissertation on Phase-Space Localization of Chaotic Resonance States due to Partial Transport Barriers
- Konstantin Clauss received the Ehrenfried-Walter-von-Tschirnhaus-Urkunde for his master thesis on Localization of Resonance States in Open Chaotic Quantum Maps
- Prof. James Meiss, Boulder University, USA, awarded a DRESDEN Senior Fellowship to visit our group and the Center for Dynamics (CfD) in May/June 2016
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 054101 (2016): Universal Scaling of Spectral Fluctuation Transitions for Interacting Chaotic Systems
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 254101 (2015): Localization of Chaotic Resonance States due to a Partial Transport Barrier
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 104101 (2015): Experimental Observation of Resonance-Assisted Tunneling
- Dr. Normann Mertig awarded the Georg-Helm-Prize for his dissertation on Complex Paths for Regular-to-Chaotic Tunneling Rates
- Prof. Steven Tomsovic, Washington State University, USA, awarded a DRESDEN Senior Fellowship to visit the Center for Dynamics (CfD) for 3 months in 2015
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 240405 (2013): Generalized Bose-Einstein condensation into multiple states in driven-dissipative systems
- Daniel Vorberg received the Lohrmann-Medaille of the TU Dresden for his diploma thesis on Stationäre Zustände periodisch getriebene Vielteilchensysteme
- Steffen Lange received the Ehrenfried-Walter-von-Tschirnhaus-Urkunde for his diploma thesis on Trapping of chaotic orbits in 4D symplectic maps
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 114102 (2013): Hierarchical Fractal Weyl Laws for Chaotic Resonance States in Open Mixed Systems
- Europhys. Lett. 102, 10005 (2013): Complex paths for regular-to-chaotic tunneling rates
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 234101 (2012): Universal Quantum Localizing Transition of a Partial Barrier in a Chaotic Sea
- Falk Haßler received the Ehrenfried-Walter-von-Tschirnhaus-Urkunde for his diploma thesis on Semiklassische Beschreibung der Statistischen Physik periodisch getriebener Systeme
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 024101 (2011): Fractional Power-Law Level-Statistics due to Dynamical Tunneling
- Prof. Steven Tomsovic, Washington State University, USA, awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to visit our group for 4 months in 2011.
- Advanced Study Group:Towards a Semiclassical Theory of Dynamical Tunneling
- Dr. Steffen Löck awarded Georg-Helm-Prize for his dissertation on Dynamical Tunneling in Systems with a Mixed Phase Space
- DFG-Forschergruppe FOR760 Scattering Systems with Complex Dynamics will be funded until 2013 (Spokesperson Prof. Roland Ketzmerick) [Press release]
- Prof. Roland Ketzmerick selected as Max Planck Fellow at the MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems [Press release]
- PD Arnd Bäcker awarded visiting fellowship of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (host Prof. Dr. A. Shudo)
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 114101 (2010): Regular-to-Chaotic Tunneling Rates: From the Quantum to the Semiclassical Regime