Specialisation Area
General information about the specialization areas can be found here.
1. Examination: In the specialisation area Theoretical Physics of the Master programme, the assessment (German acronym: PL) consists of one 45-minute oral exam. The content of the oral exam consists of
- the material covered in two lectures of the specialisation area (typ VW, VWo or VWm), of at least 4 semester hours per week (SWS) each;
- general knowledge of the fundamentals of theoretical physics.
It is permissible that one of the two lecture courses was attended during the Bachelor programme already.
The examiners are usually the lecturers responsible for the two courses. The student is responsible for arranging an appointment for the oral exam, in agreement with both examiners.
2. Examination prerequisite (German acronym: PVL): The examination prerequisite is based on the successful participation in at least 3 courses (12 SWS in total) of the specialisation area Theoretical Physics (type VW, VWo or VWm). The participation must be proven by written problem solutions in each of the three courses, e.g. as part of the tutorials.
The successful participation in such a course is confirmed by the respective lecturer and communicated to the examination office.
3. The following list contains lectures that are regularly offered as part of the specialisation area "Theoretical Physics"
Lecture | SWS | Type |
Offered in |
Many-body theory of condensed matter | 3+1 | VWm | WS20/21, SS22 |
Theoretical Solid State Physics | 3+1 | VW | SS24, SS25 |
Frustrated Magnetism | 3+1 | VWm | SS20, SS23 |
Quantum Phase Transitions | 3+1 | VWm | SS18, SS24 |
Theory of Superconductivity | 3+1 | VWm | WS19/20, WS22/23 |
Tensor Networks | 3+1 | VWm | SS21 |
Group Theory in Condensed Matter Physics | 3+1 | VW | WS16/17 |
One-Dimensional Physics: From Wires to QFT | 3+1 | VWm | SS17 |
Topological Condensed Matter Theory | 3+1 | VWm | SS16 |
Introduction to Topological Field Theory | 3+1 | VWm | SS18 |
Topological Insulators and Superconductors |
3+1 | VWm | WS21/22 |
Chaos and Quantum Chaos | 3+1 | VW | SS22, SS24 |
Nonlinear Dynamics | 3+1 | VW | WS16/17, WS18/19 |
Chaos in Higher-Dimensional Systems | 3+1 | VW | WS22/23, WS24/25 |
Quantum Information Theory |
3+1 | VW | WS23/24. WS24/25 |
Stochastic processes: Classical and quantum | 3+1 | VW | WS21/22 |
Geometry and Topology in Quantum Physics | 3+1 | VW | WS20/21, WS23/24 |
Computational tools for quantum many-body physics | 3+1 | VW |
WS21/22, WS24/25 |
Analytical tools for quantum many-body physics | 3+1 | VW | WS19/20, WS22/23 |
Theoretical Quantum Optics | 3+1 | VW | WS24/24 |
Theoretical Femtosecond Physics | 3+1 | VW | SS22, SS24 |
Quantum Electrodynamics | 3+1 | VW | SS20, SS25 |
Quantum Field Theory | 3+1 | VWm | WS20/21 |
Relativistic Quantum Field Theory | 3+1 | VWm | WS23/24, WS24/25 |
Gruppen und Teilchen | 3+1 | VW | WS18/19, SS21 |
Theoretical Particle Physics | 3+1 | VW | WS20/21, WS22/23 |
General Relativity | 3+1 | VW | SS22, WS24/25 |
Quantenfelder unter dem Einfluss externer Bedingungen | 3+1 | VWm | SS18, WS20/21 |
Standard Model of Particle Physics | 3+1 | VWm | WS21/22, SS25 |
Network Dynamics and Research on Complex Systems | 3+1 | VW | SS19, SS21 |
Physics of Sustainability– Energy, Flow Networks and Mobility | 3+1 | VW | SS19 |
Collective Nonlinear Dynamics of Human Mobility and Transportation | 3+1 | VW | SS22, SS24 |
Physics of Soft Condensed Matter | 3+1 | VW | SS24, SS25 |
Theoretical Polymer Physics | 3+1 | VWm | WS23/24, WS24/25 |