Joint seminar of the Timm and Vojta groups
Friday 14:50, BZW A120, unless otherwise noted in bold
Winter Semester 2024/25
Date | Speaker | Topic |
11.10.2024 | Leonardo Biagetti (CY Cergy Paris U) |
Generalized hydrodynamics for one-dimensional quantum and classical systems |
18.10.2024 | SFB 1143 PhD symposium | |
01.11.2024 | Subhankar Khatua (IFW Dresden) |
Order by thermal disorder and pseudo-Goldstone modes |
15.11.2024 | Urban Seifert (U Cologne) |
Spin-Peierls instabilities of algebraic spin liquids |
22.11.2024 | Andrea Maiani (Nordita) |
Impurity states in altermagnetic superconductors |
29.11.2024 | Tobias Meng | Non-Hermitian topology driven to the edge |
13.12.2024 | X-mas party | |
16.12.2024 14:50 REC/C213 |
Rico Pohle (Tohoku U) |
Numerical simulations of spin liquids and spin nematics in spin-1 magnets |
10.01.2025 | SFB 1143 workshop | |
21.01.2025 16:40 |
Fabian Köhler | Hyperbolic Ising models |
24.01.2025 | Niccolò Francini | Higher-rank spin liquids and spin nematics in pyrochlore magnets |
31.01.2025 | Holger Gies (U Jena) |
Quantum field theories of relativistic Luttinger fermions |
07.02.2025 | Harish Kumar (U Augsburg) |
Magnetic and optical properties of metallic pyrochlore iridate Pr2Ir2O7: Insights into electronic properties |
13.02.2025 16:40 |
Saakshi Porwal (IIS Bengaluru) |
Time dynamics of edge, dislocation, and corner modes in open topological crystals |
21.02.2025 | Guichao Hu (Shandong Normal U & TUD) |
Dynamics of spin Hall effect in organic spintronics |
28.02.2025 | Chi Chen (Ghent) |
False vacuum decay in the quantum Ising chain |
04.03.2025 16:40 |
Chris Laumann (Boston U) |
The fine structure of quantum spin ice |
07.03.2025 | Shingo Kobayashi (RIKEN) | Spin-orbit-free topological insulators and superconductors |
14.03.2025 | Johannes Schumann (TUD) | Connes and Bellissard Models of the Quantum Hall Effect in Plane Crystallographic Symmetries |
28.03.2025 | Florette Fobasso (U Dschang, MPI-PKS) |
t.b.a. |
Summer Semester 2024
Date | Speaker | Topic |
10.04.2024 14:50 HSZ/301/U |
Tobias Holder (Tel Aviv U) |
New and old transport phenomena under the perspective of quantum geometry |
19.04.2024 | Fabian Jakubczyk | Orbital-selective spin-triplet superconductivity in infinite-layer lanthanum nickelates |
10.05.2024 | Nico Albert | Truncated Hilbert space approach for simulating dynamics in perturbed Ising chains |
17.05.2024 | Tom Barnowsky | A potential-based approach for data-driven low-dimensional materials discovery |
31.05.2024 | Paul Ebert (IKTP, TU Dresden) |
Dimensional regularization of chiral gauge theories from a high-energy perspective |
07.06.2024 | Tom Drechsler | Emergent chiral metal near a Kondo breakdown quantum phase transition |
14.06.2024 | Zeb Krix (UNSW Sydney) |
Designing quantum matter with artificial electrostatic crystals |
18.06.2024 16:40 |
Johannes Hofmann (MPI-PKS) |
Uncovering conformal symmetry in the 3D Ising transition: State-operator correspondence from a quantum fuzzy sphere regularization |
21.06.2024 | Anna Seiler (ETH Zürich) |
Correlated phases in the vicinity of tunable van Hove singularities in Bernal bilayer graphene |
28.06.2024 | Pedro M. Cônsoli | Disorder effects in spiral spin liquids: Long-range textures, Friedel-like oscillations, and spiral spin glasses |
05.07.2024 | Jan Biedermann Michael Kastner |
Electronic band structure of moiré systems from microscopic tight binding models Release und Catch von Magnonen im Modell der linearen XXZ-Kette |
12.07.2024 |
Harald Waje |
Ginzburg-Landau theory in PtBi2 |
19.07.2024 | GiBaik Sim (U Tennessee/Oak Right National Lab) |
Pair density waves and supercurrent diode effect in altermagnets |
02.08.2024 |
Eric Kürschner Josef Richter |
Witnessing entanglement in random quantum spin chains Integrability vs. chaos in dissipative many-body open quantum systems |
23.08.2024 | Shouryya Ray (U Southern Denmark) |
Renormalisation group theory for Stiefel liquids and deconfined quantum criticality |
06.09.2024 | Massimiliano Di Ventra (UC San Diego) | MemComputing, long-range order and efficient computation |
Winter Semester 2023/24
Date | Speaker | Topic |
20.10.2023 | SFB Workshop | |
24.10.2023 15:00 MPI-PKS |
Ulrich Schollwöck (LMU Munich) |
What does it take for a Hubbard model to be superconducting? |
03.11.2023 | SFB Fall School | |
17.11.2023 | Daniel Lozano-Gómez | From pinch me twice to pinch me once: the engine for spin-liquidity and the classical spin-liquid atlas in the pyrochlore lattice |
23.11.2023 16:40 |
Tim Wehling (U Hamburg) |
Electron correlations in moiré superlattices |
24.11.2023 |
Georgia Fragkopoulou |
Bond disorder in extended Heisenberg-Kitaev models |
01.12.2023 | Zihong Liu | Disorder operator on interacting fermion system |
08.12.2023 | Solmar Varela (Central U Venezuela & TU Dresden) |
Electron spin selectivity in chiral molecules |
12.12.2023 16:40 |
Lars Fritz (U Utrecht) |
New insights into transport properties of ultraclean two-dimensional metals |
15.12.2023 | X-mas Party | |
05.01.2024 | Moritz Haubold | Calculation of the magnetic penetration depth for superconductors exhibiting Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces |
16.01.2024 16:40 (online) |
Alex Hickey (U Waterloo) |
A novel route to order-by-disorder in the pyrochlore ferromagnet |
19.01.2024 | Michael Scherer (U Bochum) |
Topological superconductivity and competing phases in strongly-correlated moiré semiconductors |
26.01.2024 | Dominik Stöckinger (IKTP, TU Dresden) |
Renormalization group and effective field theory methods - a particle physics application to the Higgs boson mass |
02.02.2024 | Kristian T. K. Chung (MPI-PKS) |
2-form U(1) spin liquids: Classical model and quantum aspects |
13.02.2024 14:50 |
Przemyslaw Bieniek (TU Munich) |
Interaction-induced quantum oscillations |
13.03.2024 13:00 |
Johannes Mitscherling (UC Berkeley) |
Exploring unconventional transport in flat-band systems by quantum geometry |
Summer Semester 2023
Date | Speaker | Topic |
04.04.2023 16:40 |
Max Fornoville | Phases and phase transitions in Kitaev-XY spin-orbital models |
14.04.2023 | David Moser | Quasiuniversality from all-in-all-out Weyl quantum criticality in pyrochlore iridates |
18.04.2023 16:40 |
Willian Natori (ILL Grenoble) |
S = 3/2 Kitaev spin liquids |
21.04.2023 | Bernhard Frank | Kondo heterostructures: Antiferromagnetism, Kondo screening and marginal Fermi liquid |
05.05.2023 | Manuel Weber | SU(2)-symmetric spin-boson model: Quantum criticality, fixed-point annihilation, and duality |
19.05.2023 | Suraj Hegde | Edge-selective extremal damping from topological heritage of dissipative Chern insulators |
26.05.2023 |
Jinhong Park |
Network of chiral one-dimensional channels and localized states emerging in a moiré system |
09.06.2023 |
Alexander Wietek |
Quantum electrodynamics as the organizing principle of triangular antiferromagnets |
16.06.2023 | Alex Mook (JGU Mainz) |
Interacting topological magnons |
27.06.2023 16:40 |
Sabastian Granberg Cauchi (RWTH Aachen) |
DFT hybrid functionals in practice |
14.07.2023 | Max Geier (U Copenhagen) |
Non-reciprocal superconductivity from finite Cooper pair momentum in planar Josephson junctions |
21.07.2023 | Gregory Fiete (Northeastern U) | Nonlinear optical probing and control of magnetic and electronic band topology |
29.09.2023 | CANCELED |
Winter Semester 2022/23
Date | Speaker | Topic |
14.10.2022 | QMA Retreat | |
21.10.2022 | Arnob Kumar Ghosh (IOP Bhubaneswar) | Dynamical construction of higher-order topological systems |
04.11.2022 | Patrick Lenggenhager (PSI Villigen & U Zürich) |
From a hyperbolic drum towards hyperbolic topological insulators |
18.11.2022 | Zhenjiu Wang (MPI-PKS) |
Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of skyrmion superconductivity |
29.11.2022 | Niccolò Francini (U Pisa) |
Abelian Higgs lattice models: gauge symmetry enlargement |
16.12.2022 | X-mas Party | |
06.01.2023 | Christos Kourris | Kondo screening and coherence on the Kagome lattice |
13.01.2023 | Goran Nakerst | Markov generators and their spectral properties |
17.01.2023 | Nils Caci (RWTH Aachen) |
Quantum Monte Carlo studies of frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnets and quantum spin-nematic phase transitions |
20.01.2023 | Martin Eckstein (U Hamburg) |
Cavity quantum materials |
24.01.2023 | Viktor Könye (IFW Dresden) |
Anisotropic optics and gravitational lensing of tilted Weyl fermions |
27.01.2023 | Eric Andrade (U São Paulo) |
Local Fermi liquid and random singlet formation in highly disordered systems |
31.01.2023 | Pranay Patil (MPI-PKS) |
Weakly first-order quantum phase transition between spin nematic and valence bond crystal order in a square lattice SU(4) fermionic model |
03.02.2023 | Mateo Uldemolins (LPS Paris) |
Quasiparticle focusing of Shiba states in superconductors |
17.02.2023 | Juba Bouaziz (FZ Jülich) |
From magnetic frustration to novel spin textures and their magneto-transport signatures |
10.03.2023 | Eva López Rojo (NBI Copenhagen) |
Bond order in Kagome metals |
24.03.2023 | Lukas Flöter | Band nodes for arbitrary pseudo spins in magnetic point groups |
Summer Semester 2022
Date | Speaker | Topic |
01.04.2022 (hybrid) |
Maximilian Kotz | Topological classification of open quantum systems |
08.04.2022 14:00 (virtual) |
Felix Mende | Torsion and pseudo-fields in Dirac matter |
06.05.2022 (hybrid) |
Elio König (MPI-FKF Stuttgart) |
Detecting and destroying quantum spin liquids with metallic leads |
20.05.2022 (virtual) |
Thomas Barthel (Duke U) |
Criticality and phase transitions in open quantum many-body systems |
27.05.2022 (virtual) |
Sophie Beck (Flatiron Institute) |
A DFT+DMFT perspective on correlated oxide interfaces |
31.05.2022 (hybrid) |
Santanu Dey |
Quantum-critical electrodynamics of Luttinger fermions |
03.06.2022 (hybrid) |
Zihong Liu (JMU Würzburg) |
Quantum Monte Carlo study of metallic and deconfined quantum criticality in Dirac systems |
17.06.2022 (hybrid) |
Julia Link | Hydrodynamic transport and unconventional superconductivity in Luttinger semimetals |
15.07.2022 (hybrid) |
Tom Barnowsky | Surface functionalization of non-van der Waals two-dimensional materials |
01.08.2022 (hybrid) |
Sergej Moroz (Karlstad U) |
Two-dimensional Ising gauge theory coupled to single-component fermion matter: Topological order, confinement and U(1) deconfined criticality |
Winter Semester 2021/22
Date | Speaker | Topic |
15.10.2021 |
QMA School |
05.11.2021 |
Thomas Schmidt (U Luxemburg) |
Parafermions: topological states in interacting systems |
19.11.2021 (virtual) |
Ribhu Kaul (U Kentucky) |
Duality and domain wall dynamics in CoNb2O6 |
26.11.2021 (hybrid) |
Masud Haque | Eigenstate Thermalization, random matrices and (non)local operators in many-body systems |
03.12.2021 (hybrid) |
Suraj Hegde | Spectral topology, fermions and disorder in non-Hermitian systems |
10.12.2021 (virtual) |
Jeffrey Rau (U Windsor) |
Magnetoelectric generation of a Majorana-Fermi surface in Kitaev's honeycomb model |
07.01.2022 (hybrid) |
Jose Hoyos (U Sao Paulo/MPI-PKS) |
Dynamical Griffiths singularities |
11.01.2022 14:50 (virtual) |
Achim Rosch (U Köln) |
Dynamics of visons and thermal Hall effect in RuCl3 |
21.01.2022 (hybrid) |
Michael Rampp (KIT) |
Topologically enabled superconductivity |
28.01.2022 (hybrid) |
Lukas Janssen | SO(N) Majorana-Hubbard models |
04.02.2022 (virtual) |
Vitor Dantas (U Sao Paulo) |
Disorder, low-energy excitations, and topology in the Kitaev spin liquid |
04.03.2022 (hybrid) |
Mauricio Posner | Dynamics after a quench in inhomogeneous Weyl systems |
11.03.2022 10:00 (hybrid) |
Kitinan Pongsangangan (Utrecht U) |
Thermo-electric response in two-dimensional Dirac systems: the role of particle-hole pairs |
18.03.2022 (hybrid) |
Tom Drechsler | A mean-field description of quantum phase transitions in disordered Kondo-lattice systems |
29.03.2022 (hybrid) |
Stephan Rachel (U Melbourne) |
Doping a topological insulator: a promising strategy to find topological superconductivity? |
Summer Semester 2021
Date | Speaker | Topic |
16.04.2021 (virtual) |
Felix Kunzmann | Tensor Network Methods for the Algebraic Bethe Ansatz |
20.04.2021 (virtual) |
Fabian Jakubczyk (U Bochum) |
Superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates |
23.04.2021 |
Christos Kourris (U Oxford) |
Relaxation and adiabatic reversibility in isolated quantum many-body systems |
07.05.2021 (virtual) |
Michel Miranda | From disorder to order and back again |
21.05.2021 |
Charlotte Beneke | Divergence of the Grüneisen ratio at symmetry-enhanced first-order quantum phase transitions |
04.06.2021 (virtual) |
SFB 1143 Workshop | |
08.06.2021 |
Fabian Köhler | Strain-induced Landau levels in higher dimensions |
11.06.2021 (virtual) |
Wilhelm Krüger | Instability of gapless U(1) spin liquids with nested spinon Fermi pockets in two dimensions |
25.06.2021 (virtual) |
Jakob Böker (U Bochum) |
Phase sensitive probing of unconventional superconducting order and the nematic transition in the iron-based superconductor FeSe |
02.07.2021 (virtual) |
Carsten Honerkamp (RWTH Aachen) |
Quantifying the fragility of unprotected quadratic band crossing points |
09.07.2021 (virtual) |
Lukas Flöter | Gauge dependence of electronic single-particle states in strained graphene |
16.07.2021 (virtual) |
Andy Knoll | Symmetry classification of band touching points and lines in magnetic semimetals |
23.07.2021 (virtual) |
Pedro Cônsoli | Fluctuation-induced ferrimagnetism in sublattice-imbalanced antiferromagnets and application to SrCu2(BO3)2 under pressure |
06.08.2021 (virtual) |
Johannes Brinz | Random matrix theoretical considerations of chiral symmetric Lindblad superoperators |
Winter Semester 2020/21
Date | Speaker | Topic |
30.10.2020 (hybrid) |
Alena Astakhova | Topologically protected interface states in HgTe structures |
06.11.2020 (hybrid) |
Steffen Sykora | Generalized diagonalization scheme for many-particle systems |
13.11.2020 (virtual) |
Ashley M. Cook (MPI-CPfS) |
Approaches for constructing topological phases of matter |
20.11.2020 (hybrid) |
Max Fornoville | Shastry-Sutherland model under uniaxial strain |
27.11.2020 (hybrid) |
Yizhi You |
Emergent fractons in elusive Bose metal: When IR theory blend with UV physics |
04.12.2020 (hybrid) |
Bernhard Frank (MPI-PKS) |
Thermodynamics and transport without quasiparticles: From Ising-nematic metals to the unitary Fermi gas |
11.12.2020 (virtual) |
Matthias Hübler (U Stuttgart) |
The Brownian gyrator as an example of a nanoscale heat engine |
15.01.2021 (virtual) |
Hossein Hosseinabadi (Sharif U, Iran) |
Topological superconductivity from magnetic fluctuations in heterostructures |
29.01.2021 (virtual) |
Andy Knoll | Negative longitudinal magnetoconductance at weak fields in Weyl semimetals |
05.02.2021 (virtual) |
David Moser |
Eliashberg theory for quantum critical points in metals |
12.02.2021 (virtual) |
Birte Geerds | Two-dimensional Ising model driven out of equilibrium by applying a voltage |
16.02.2021 (virtual) |
Sandeep Cranganore (Mumbai) |
Sugawara model with canonical spin and energy-momentum currents |
19.02.2021 (virtual) |
Clara Lapp | Majorana flat bands in nodal superconductors with spatial structure |
Summer Semester 2020
Date | Speaker | Topic |
24.04.2020 (virtual) |
Carsten Timm | Superconductors with Fermi surfaces: Experimental consequences and Sr2RuO4 |
22.05.2020 (virtual) |
Steffen Sykora (IFW Dresden) |
Accessing Weyl point properties by the anomalous Nernst effect |
29.05.2020 (virtual) |
Bogusz Bujnowski (Bordeaux) |
Hetero structures between conventional superconductors and spin active materials: From the long range triplet Josephson effect to equilibrium spin currents |
19.06.2020 (virtual) |
Shouryya Ray | A soluble fermionic quantum critical point in 2+1 dimensions |
26.06.2020 (virtual) |
Toni Ehmcke | Three-dimensional quantum Hall physics in ZrTe5 |
03.07.2020 (virtual) |
Oguz Türker | Relativistic Abelian bosonization in three-dimensional Euclidean space: Geometric approach |
07.07.2020 (virtual) |
Christian Schmidt | Scattering at event horizon analogues in Weyl semimetals |
10.07.2020 (virtual) |
Sreejith Chulliparambil | Microscopic models for Kitaev's sixteenfold way |
17.07.2020 (virtual) |
Chris Koschenz | Variational generalized Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory and spiral magnetic states in the 2D Hubbard model |
11.09.2020 (hybrid) |
Charlotte Bäcker | Spin rotation invariant Boltzmann equation for excitonic processes in organic semiconductors |
22.09.2020 (hybrid) |
Julia Link (Simon Fraser) |
Bogoliubov-Fermi surfaces in non-centrosymmetric multi-component superconductors |
Winter Semester 2019/20
Date | Speaker | Topic |
01.10.2019 | Georgia Fragkopoulou (Utrecht) |
Berry phase effects in the Boltzmann equation of electronic systems |
04.10.2019 | Debanyan Chowdhury (Cornell) |
What is "strange" about non-Fermi liquid metals? |
15.10.2019 | Henri Menke (University of Otago) |
Effects of the normal-state bandstructure on the pairing in Sr2RuO4 |
18.10.2019 | Baibhab Ray | Semiclassical transport theory for Weyl semimetals and related systems |
25.10.2019 |
Igor Boettcher (Maryland) | Complex tensor order and Bogoliubov-Fermi surfaces in superconducting Rarita-Schwinger-Weyl semimetals |
01.11.2019 | Matthew Brooks (Konstanz) |
Spin Qubits in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors |
15.11.2019 | Alexander Zyuzin (Aalto University) |
Spin and valley wave collective modes in metals with population imbalance |
21.11.2019 14:00 MPI-PKS |
John Chalker (Oxford) |
Minimal models for chaotic quantum dynamics in spatially extended many-body systems |
22.11.2019 | Inti Sodemann (MPI-PKS) |
The Non-linear Hall Effect in Time-Reversal-Invariant Materials and The Cyclotron Resonance of Spin Liquids |
29.11.2019 | Andreas Sinner (Augsburg) |
Topological transition on anisotropic hexagonal lattices and effective phonon model for the quantum Hall transition |
03.12.2019 | Stefan Koch | Magnetic excitations in three-dimensional spin models for α-RuCl3 |
06.12.2019 | Fakher Assaad (Würzburg) |
Kondo nano-structures and lattices |
17.12.2019 | Eric Andrade (São Paulo) |
SU(4) Heisenberg model on the honeycomb and hyperhoneycomb lattices with exchange-frustrated perturbations |
20.12.2019 | Christmas party | |
10.01.2020 | Björn Sbierski (Berkeley) |
Spectrum-wide quantum criticality at the surface of class AIII topological phases: An “energy stack” of integer quantum Hall plateau transitions |
17.01.2020 | Oguz Türker | Semi-quantized quantum Hall states |
28.01.2020 | Linus Thümmel | Boltzmann theory for organic semiconductors |
31.01.2020 | Lukas Janssen | Dualities in condensed matter field theories |
07.02.2020 | Heike Eisenlohr | Quantum criticality near the Mott transition |
06.03.2020 | Shingo Kobayashi (RIKEN) | Majorana multipole response of topological superconductors |
Summer Semester 2019
Date | Speaker | Topic |
05.04.2019 | Ganesh C. Paul (Bhubaneswar) |
Majorana nanowire with unconventional superconductivity and RKKY interaction in Borophene |
12.04.2019 |
Alejandro M. Lobos |
From topological band insulators to topological Kondo insulators in one dimension |
16.04.2019 | Tanmoy Das (Bangalore) |
A new superconducting mechanism |
26.04.2019 | Michel Panhans (TUD, cfaed) |
Excitation Spectra and Transport of Polarons and Excitons in Organic Semiconductors |
03.05.2019 | Gergő Roósz | Quantum relaxation and metastability of lattice bosons with cavity-induced long-range interactions |
10.05.2019 14:40 |
Urban Seifert | Optical excitation of magnons in an easy-plane antiferromagnet |
17.05.2019 | Markus Müller (PSI Villigen) |
Coherent oscillators, spectral hole-burning and emerging q-bits in rare-earth magnets |
24.05.2019 |
Maxim Breitkreiz |
Large contribution of Fermi arcs to the conductivity of Weyl metals |
28.05.2019 | Zheng-Xin Liu (Renmin U) |
Spin liquid phases in extended Kitaev model on the honeycomb lattice |
07.06.2019 | Workshop of GRK 1621 | |
21.06.2019 | Thomas Barthel (Duke U) |
Eigenstate entanglement: Crossover from the ground state to volume laws |
28.06.2019 |
Clara Lapp |
Experimental Consequences of Bogoliubov Fermi Surfaces in Superconductors Bulk transport properties of HgTe nanostructures |
02.07.2019 | Martin Hohenadler (Würzburg) |
Orthogonal metal in the Hubbard model with liberated slave spins |
05.07.2019 | Dmitry Bagrets (U Köln) |
Quantum criticality of granular SYK matter |
12.07.2019 | Aline Ramires (ICTP-SAIFR & MPI-PKS) |
Twisted Bilayer Graphene: A novel platform for the engineering of exotic electronic states |
Winter Semester 2018/19
Date | Speaker | Topic |
16.10.2018 | Charlotte Beneke (LMU München) |
Effects of a transversal magnetic field on massive Dirac systems apart from Landau levels |
19.10.2018 | Henri Menke (U of Otago) |
Effects of spin-orbit coupling on a superconductor with Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces |
26.10.2018 |
Wei Li |
Exponential tensor renormalization group method and two temperature scales in the triangular lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet |
09.11.2018 | Tim Kaltofen | RKKY interaction on the kagome lattice |
16.11.2018 | Kai Litzius (U Mainz) |
Drive and temperature dependence of skyrmion dynamics |
23.11.2018 | Shouryya Ray |
Dynamical generation of Dirac cones and quantum critical behavior in bilayer graphene |
30.11.2018 | Emilio Torres (U Köln) |
Non-Landau quantum criticality in Dirac systems: Emergent length scales and symmetries |
04.12.2018 | Mathias Scheurer (Harvard U) |
Gauge theories of fluctuating antiferromagnetism for the cuprate superconductors |
07.12.2018 | Frithjof Anders (TU Dortmund) |
RKKY interaction and quantum phase transition in two impurity models |
21.12.2018 | S. Claus (U North Pole) |
How to rock that christmas tree! |
18.01.2019 | Oriana Diessel (U Köln) |
Many-body instabilities in a minimal model for Moiré flatbands from functional RG |
01.02.2019 | Madelynn Nayga | Pseudo-Landau levels in strained antiferromagnetic magnons |
21.02.2019 14:00 MPI-PKS |
Fakher Assaad (Würzburg) |
Superconductivity from the Condensation of Skyrmions in a Quantum Spin-Hall Insulator |
19.03.2019 |
Wilhelm Krüger Paul Wunderlich |
Heisenberg-Kitaev model on the hyperhoneycomb lattice in an external field |
20.03.2019 14:50 BZW/A120 (jointly with MPI-PKS) |
Natalia Perkins (Minnesota) |
Evolution of intertwined orders in the Kitaev magnet β-Li2IrO3 |
Summer Semester 2018
Date | Speaker | Topic |
06.04.2018 | Andy Knoll Toni Ehmcke |
Boltzmann theory for transport in Weyl semimetals Magnetic excitations in Weyl semimetals |
10.04.2018 | Janna Rückert | Interacting flat band Majorana modes at surfaces of non-centrosymmetric superconductors |
27.04.2018 | Bitan Roy (MPI-PKS) |
A journey through the world of spin-3/2 fermions |
04.05.2018 | Alexander Balatsky (Nordita) |
Odd frequency pairing and majoronics |
01.06.2018 | Tobias Meng | Unpaired Weyl nodes from long-ranged interactions: Fate of quantum anomalies |
08.06.2018 | Helmut Schultheiß (HZDR) |
Magnon transport in spin textures |
12.06.2018 | Alexander Chernyshev (UC Irvine) |
Topography, mimicry, and truality on a triangular lattice |
15.06.2018 14:40 |
Urban Seifert | Bilayer Kitaev models: Phase diagrams and novel phases |
29.06.2018 | Alexander Mook (Uni Halle) |
Topological magnon materials and transverse magnon transport |
06.07.2018 | Oleg Sushkov (UNSW Sydney) |
Nature of the spin liquid phase in lightly doped cuprate superconductors |
10.07.2018 | Alena Astakhova | Transport properties of superconducting structures based on HgTe quantum wells |
13.07.2018 | Sayandip Ghosh | Charge-spin response and collective excitations in Weyl Semimetals |
17.07.2018 | Moritz Schneider | Entanglement spreading in a harmonic chain |
20.07.2018 | Konstantinos Ladovrechis (IFW Dresden) |
Anomalous Floquet topological crystalline insulators |
21.09.2018 | Jens Bardarson (KTH Stockholm) |
Landau levels, Bardeen polynomials and Fermi arcs in Weyl semimetals: the who's who of the chiral anomaly |
28.09.2018 | Markus Drescher (KIT) |
Theory of inelastic tunneling spectroscopy in superconductors |
Winter Semester 2017/18
Date | Speaker | Topic |
10.10.2017 | Falko Pientka (Harvard University) |
Transport phenomena of neutral excitations in interacting 2d systems |
13.10.2017 | Dominik Straßel (Uni Kaiserslautern) |
Phase transitions in fixed dimensions and in the vicinity of a dimensional crossover |
20.10.2017 |
Eugene Kogan |
Spin-anisotropic magnetic impurity in a Fermi gas: Integration of poor man’s scaling equations |
27.10.2017 | Alena Astakhova (Uni Würzburg) |
Band structure and transport properties of HgTe quantum wells |
03.11.2017 | Gergő Roósz (Budapest) |
Dynamics of one-dimensional quantum systems |
10.11.2017 | Lukas Janssen | A fermionic gauge theory for bosonic deconfined criticality |
01.12.2017 | Ipsita Mandal (MPI-PKS) |
Critical Fermi Surface: UV/IR mixing and Superconducting Instability |
08.12.2017 | Thomas Vojta (Missouri S&T) |
Quantum phase transitions and disorder: Griffiths singularities, infinite randomness, and smearing |
12.12.2017 | Bogusz Bujnowski (Donostia International Physics Center) |
Non-local transport properties of an excitonic insulator |
15.12.2017 | Eric Andrade (São Paulo) |
Cluster-glass phase in dirty XY pyrochlores |
05.01.2018 | Santanu Dey | Quenched bond disorder in non-collinear magnets |
12.01.2018 | Georg Börner | Bogoliubov Fermi tubes and surface states in multiband superconductors |
19.01.2018 | Hong-Hao Tu | Universal entropy of conformal critical theories on a Klein bottle |
26.01.2018 | Anton Zlotnikov (Krasnoyarsk) |
Majorana states and nontrivial topology in the coexistence phase of chiral d-wave superconductivity and noncollinear magnetism |
20.02.2018 | Christoph de Beule (Antwerpen) |
Confined quantum systems in topological insulator heterostructures |
23.02.2018 | Dennis Schubert (Hannover) |
The Hofstadter Problem and the functional Bethe ansatz |
Summer Semester 2017
Date | Speaker | Topic |
07.04.2017 |
Shouryya Ray |
Magnetism and Charge Carrier Dynamics in Bilayer Iridates |
21.04.2017 | Michael Streif (Oxford) |
Measuring correlations of cold-atom systems using multiple quantum probes |
28.04.2017 | Heike Eisenlohr (Göttingen) |
Reduced Density-Matrix Functionals from Green's Functions |
05.05.2017 |
Victor Vakaryuk (APS Ridge) |
Physical Review B: An inside look |
12.05.2017 | Chris Koschenz | Mixed Magnetic Phases in Mean Field Theory |
19.05.2017 | Markus Garst | Symmetry breaking, slow relaxation dynamics, and topological defects at the field-induced helix reorientation in MnSi |
26.05.2017 | Stefan Rex (NTNU Trondheim) |
Magnetoelectric effects at a topological insulator surface |
02.06.2017 | Christoph Karrasch (FU Berlin) |
Transport in quasiperiodic interacting systems: from superdiffusion to subdiffusion |
16.06.2017 |
Ronny Thomale |
Topolectrical circuits |
23.06.2017 | Urban Seifert | Metals with Kitaev interactions |
07.07.2017 | Lukas Janssen | Heisenberg-Kitaev model in a magnetic field: Spin canting, metamagnetism, and vortex crystals |
14.07.2017 | Tobias Meng |
The gravity of Weyl |
11.08.2017 | Wilhelm Krüger | Magneto-Leitfähigkeit von Weyl-Halbmetallen |
25.09.2017 | Oguz Türker (TU München) | Topological nodal surface metals |
05.09.2017 |
Debanjan Chowdhury (MIT) |
Mixed-valence insulators with neutral Fermi surfaces |
15.09.2017 | Konstantin Nestmann | Zeitlokale Mastergleichung mit Kohärenzen zu beliebiger Ordnung: Reihenentwicklungen und Konvergenz |
22.09.2017 |
Oleg Tretiakov |
Skyrmions and Other Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Spin Textures |
Winter Semester 2016/17
Date | Speaker | Topic |
14.10.2016 |
Andreas Eberlein |
Transport at the Ising-nematic quantum critical point in two-dimensional metals |
28.10.2016 |
Björn Trauzettel |
Exotic physics at the quantum spin Hall edge |
04.11.2016 | Carsten Timm | Inflated nodes in multiband superconductors |
11.11.2016 | Matthias Punk (LMU München) |
Spin liquid phases and transitions in Heisenberg-Kitaev models on the triangular lattice |
18.11.2016 | Markus Heyl (MPI-PKS) |
Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions: Scaling and universality |
25.11.2016 |
Michael Scherer |
Kekulé quantum criticality: fermion induced & gauge-field assisted |
06.12.2016 |
Philip Brydon (Univ. of Otago) |
Cooper pairing beyond singlet and triplet |
09.12.2016 |
Raphael Goll |
Phase Segregation in Two Dimensional Binary Particle Mixtures |
16.12.2016 | X-mas party | |
17.01.2017 |
Matthias Vojta | Dimensional reduction in frustrated critical antiferromagnets |
27.01.2017 | Laura Köhler | Topological domain walls and Landau-Peierls instability in helimagnets |
03.02.2017 |
Junichi Iwasaki (Univ. of Tokyo) |
Deformation of Skyrmion Crystal under Strain |
17.02.2017 | Jan Wichmann | Expanding many-body Green functions using Chebyshev polynomials |
03.03.2017 | Fabian Köhler | Weyl-Semimetalle mit gekrümmten Oberflächen |
07.03.2017 | Madelynn Nayga (Trieste) |
Green's functions and energy eigenvalues in space-fractional quantum systems with Dirac delta perturbation |
Summer Semester 2016
Date | Speaker | Topic |
01.04.2016 |
Urban Seifert (Cambridge, UK) |
Persisting spin correlations in the central spin model |
08.04.2016 |
Mike Zhitomirksy (Grenoble) |
Order from quenched disorder: Impurities in frustrated magnets |
15.04.2016 | Carsten Timm | Flat bands at surfaces of noncentrosymmetric superconductors and their instabilities |
19.04.2016 |
Alexander L. Chernyshev (UC Irvine) |
Quantum order-by-disorder and excitations in kagome-lattice magnets |
22.04.2016 | Markus Garst | Mott criticality in the organic charge-transfer salts \kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2X |
13.05.2016 | Sebastian Wolf (Bayreuth) | Inter-type superconductivity, shallow bands and exotic vortex configurations |
20.05.2016 | Santanu Dey (Mumbai) |
Instabilities of repulsive fermions in a biased bilayer honeycomb lattice |
27.05.2016 | --- | GRK workshop |
03.06.2016 | Dirk Morr (Chicago) |
Non-equilibrium Transport in Topological Superconductors |
10.06.2016 | Lukas Janssen | Spontaneous breaking of Lorentz symmetry in QED3 |
24.06.2016 | Stephan Rachel | Breaking Bad in the Kitaev-Heisenberg model |
28.06.2016 |
Harley Scammell (Sydney) & |
Quantum criticality and asymptotic freedom of magnons in TlCuCl3 & Bose-Kondo problem in a 3D quantum critical magnet |
08.07.2016 | Angelo Pidatella | Thermal transport in a two-dimensional Z2 spin liquid |
12.07.2016 |
Chris Koeschenz & |
GRK-Seminar |
15.07.2016 | Sebastian Riese | Constructing Topological Phases in 4D |
09.08.2016 | Tyler Hewitt (Kent, UK) |
Low-dimensional quantum magnetism of anisotropic Heisenberg models |
28.09.2016 |
Ankita Bhattacharya (University of Hyderabad) |
Scattering from Quantum scatterers |
30.09.2016 | Ilja Göthel | Topological phases on the honeycomb lattice and their local detection |
Winter Semester 2015/16
Date | Speaker | Topic |
6.10.2015 | Philipp Weiß (KIT) | Interference of quantum critical excitations and soft diffusive modes in a disordered antiferromagnetic metal |
16.10.2015 | Stefan Rex (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) |
Coulomb interaction in topological insulator-ferromagnet interfaces |
23.10.2015 | Angelo Pidatella (Catania) |
Ab initio study of defect-induced magnetism in graphene |
30.10.2015 | Kevin Seja | Transport through nanostructures and the time-convolutionless master equation |
03.11.2015 | Eric Andrade (Sao Paulo) |
Magnetic moments and non-Fermi liquid behavior in quasicrystals |
13.11.2015 | Gediminas Kirsanskas (Lund University) |
Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in phase-biased superconductor-quantum dot-superconductor junctions |
20.11.2015 | Markus Heyl (TU München) | Measuring multipartite entanglement via dynamic susceptibilities |
27.11.2015 | Tobias Meng | Coupled-wire constructions: New insights into the physics of interacting topological systems in two and three dimension (and beyond) |
11.12.2015 | Matthias Vojta | Kondo impurities in the Kitaev spin liquid |
18.12.2015 18:00 |
X-mas party | --- |
08.01.2016 | --- | SFB winter workshop |
22.01.2016 | Alexander Lau (IFW Dresden) |
Topological Edge States with Zero Hall Conductivity in a Dimerized Hofstadter Model |
26.01.2016 | Jyotirmoy Roy (Mumbai) |
Study of strongly correlated materials using two-site dynamical mean-field theory |
29.01.2016 | Martin Thuemmler | Bachelor talk |
05.02.2016 | Florian Rasch | Excitation spectra of strongly disordered Heisenberg spin chains |
18.02.2016 13:00 |
Silas Flöter | Bachelor talk |
01.03.2016 16:00 |
Christoph Berke | Mean-field phase diagram for magnetic order on the pyrochlore lattice |
Summer Semester 2015
Date | Speaker | Topic |
17.04.2015 | Mark Steudtner | Mean-field phases of the Kagome Kondo-Heisenberg model |
12.05.2015 | Stephan Rachel | Topological Mott Insulators |
02.06.2015 | Philipp Strack (Uni Köln) |
New strange metal at the onset of FFLO inhomogeneous superconductivity in two dimensions |
12.06.2015 | --- | SFB spring workshop |
19.06.2015 | Andrey Bolotnikov (Uni Düsseldorf) |
Current-induced forces in graphene nanostructures |
26.06.2015 | Kirill Shtengel (UC Riverside) |
Anyonics: Designing exotic circuitry with non-Abelian anyons |
07.07.2015 | Jyotisman Sahoo (Bhubaneswar) | Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic interactions on a spin-1/2 breathing pyrochlore lattice |
10.07.2015 15:15 |
Balazs Gulacsi (Budapest) | From Floquet to Dicke: Quantum spin-Hall insulator in quantized electromagnetic field |
17.07.2015 | Sayandip Ghosh (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur) |
Electronic structure, spin excitations, and orbital ordering in a three-orbital model for iron pnictides |
21.07.2015 | Tim Ludwig | Transport and order in a charge-charge-interacting monolayer |
24.07.2015 | Eugen Wolf | Mobile vacancy in non-collinear magnets |
Winter Semester 2014/15
Date | Speaker | Topic |
12.09.2014 13:00 |
Florian Gerhardt | Bachelor Talk |
14.10.2014 | Manuel Laubach (Würzburg) | Nonmagnetic insulators in hexagonal lattice models |
17.10.2014 | Matthias Vojta | Theory of heavy fermions: Problem (un)solved? |
04.11.2014 | Adolfo G. Grushin (MPI-PKS) | Stability of Chern and Fractional Chern insulators |
07.11.2014 | Alexia Rod | Spin texture of generic helical edge states |
14.11.2014 | Oleksiy Kashuba | Topological Kondo Effect in Transport through a Superconducting Wire with Multiple Majorana End States |
21.11.2014 | Alexei Vagov (Bayreuth) |
Multi-band superconductors: between the types I and II |
28.11.2014 | Tim Ludwig | Electronic transport in 2d charge-charge interacting monolayers |
05.12.2014 | Lars Fritz (Utrecht) |
Frustrated spins on the Swedenborgite lattice: spin liquids, order-by-disorder, and disorder-by-disorder |
18.12.2014 | X-mas party | --- |
09.01.2015 | Dmitri Efremov (IFW Dresden) |
Time-Reversal Broken Chiral Superconducting Phase Driven by Electronic Correlations in a Single TiSe2 Layer |
16.01.2015 | --- | SFB Kick-off meeting |
30.01.2015 | Jan-Erik Wichmann | Bachelor talk |
06.02.2015 | Andre Fischer (IFW Dresden) |
Spin Density Waves and Superconductivity in Triangular Lattices at Van Hove Filling |
27.02.2015 | Konstantin Nestmann | Bachelor talk |
06.03.2015 | Jongbae Hong (POSTECH and APCTP, Pohang, Korea) |
Universal tunnelling conductance formula for strongly correlated materials |
23.03.2015 | Sebastian Huber (ETH Zürich) | Observation of phononic helical edge states in a mechanical `topological insulator' |
24.03.2015 | Lukas Janssen (Simon Fraser University) | Quadratic Band Touching Points in 3D: NFL phase vs. topological Mott instability |
Summer Semester 2014
Date | Speaker | Topic |
26.03.2014 | Johannes Mierau | Behaviour of an antiferromagnetic dimer-monomer-chain in a magnetic field |
11.04.2014 | Pier Paolo Baruselli | Kondo holes in topological Kondo insulators |
06.05.2014, 13:00 | Johannes Reuther (CALTECH) | A functional renormalization-group approach for frustrated quantum spin-systems |
06.05.2014, 14:50 | Philip Brydon (Univ. of Maryland) |
Odd-parity superconductivity from phonons |
16.05.2014 | Patrik Recher (TU Braunschweig) | Detection of spin entanglement via spin-charge separation in crossed Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids |
06.06.2014 | Tobias Meng (University of Basel) | Fractionalizing a quantum wire |
27.06.2014 | Martin Langer | Bachelor talk |
02.07.2014 WIL/C104 |
Salvatore Croce (Aquila) | Effects of electron-hole asymmetry near the Dirac point in graphene |
04.07.2014 | Andisheh Khedri (Uni Bonn) | Equilibrium Renormalization Group for Quantum Dots in a Photon Field |
18.07.2014 | Subhro Bhattacharjee (MPI-PKS) | Weak and strong coupling topological phases in Hyperhoneycomb Iridates |
Winter Semester 2013/14
Date | Speaker | Topic |
12.09.2013 15:00 (MPI-PKS) |
Peter Young (UC Santa Cruz) |
Is there a de Almeida-Thouless line in finite-dimensional spin glasses? (and why you should care) |
18.10.2013 | Alexia Rod | Commensurate and incommensurate fillings of the extended Bose-Hubbard model |
25.10.2013 | Oleksiy Kashuba | Coherent dynamics and quenches in dissipative quantum systems |
08.11.2013 | Paolo Michetti | Story of a HgTe double quantum well - is two better than one? |
15.11.2013 | Darshan Joshi | 1/d expansion for coupled-dimer magnets |
29.11.2013 | Jacob Schmiedt | Superconducting pairing in presence of a spin-density-wave for iron pnictides |
03.12.2013 | Thomas L. Schmidt (Basel) |
Transport properties of helical one-dimensional systems |
10.12.2013 | Benedikt Bruognolo (LMU München) |
Critical phenomena of the two-channel spin-boson model |
20.12.2013 | X-mas party | |
17.01.2014 | Alexander Lau | Topological surface states in paramagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and superconducting iron pnictides |
28.01.2014 | Stefan Jürgens | Plasmons due to the interplay of Dirac and Schrödinger fermions |
31.01.2014 | Fabian Zschocke | Bond randomness in Kitaev's honeycomb model |
21.02.2014 | Sebastian Riese | Bachelor talk |
Summer Semester 2013
Date | Speaker | Topic |
12.04.2013 | Eric Andrade | Competing Magnetic Anisotropies and Multicriticality: The case of Co-doped YbRh2Si2 |
19.04.2013 | Mihailo Cubrovic (Leiden) |
Toward the phase diagram of holographic fermions |
03.05.2013 | Hong-Hao Tu (MPI Garching) |
Infinite Matrix Product States from Conformal Field Theory |
10.05.2013 | Matthias Vojta | Heavy-Fermion Superconductivity From Local Spin Fluctuations |
17.05.2013 | R. Ganesh (IFW) |
Frustrated magnetism on the honeycomb lattice |
31.05.2013 | Junya Otsuki (Sendai/Augsburg) |
Dynamical mean-field approach to non-local exchange interactions |
11.06.2013 CHE/182 |
Philipp Gegenwart (Göttingen) |
Search for novel topological states in Iridates (Graduiertenkolleg seminar) |
13.06.2013 | Matthias Gohlke (Potsdam) |
1D model for nonlinear phonon propagation in ferroelectrics |
14.06.2013 | Michael Potthoff (Hamburg) |
The Kondo-vs.-RKKY quantum box |
20.06.2013 | Bogdan Galilo (Amsterdam) |
Weyl fermions in Semimetals |
21.06.2013 | Maxim Breitkreiz | Negative transport times due to anisotropic interband scattering |
28.06.2013 | Kevin Seja / Paul Timme / Mark Steudtner |
Bachelor talks |
16.07.2013 | Ronny Thomale (Lausanne/Würzburg) |
The quest of the Kagome Hubbard model |
Winter Semester 2012/13
Date | Speaker | Topic |
19.10.2012 | Markus Heyl | Dynamical quantum phase transitions in the Ising model |
26.10.2012 | Bjorn Zocher (Leipzig) |
Crossed Andreev reflection and noise through Majorana bound states |
02.11.2012 | Jacob A. Schmiedt | Co-existing and competing orders in the pnictides |
09.11.2012 | Eugen Wolf | Phonon drag thermopower in graphene |
16.11.2012 | Arnab Sen (MPI-PKS) | Spin textures and their interactions in Coulomb spin liquids |
30.11.2012 | Stephan Rachel | Broken axial spin symmetry in topological insulators |
07.12.2012 | Ioannis Rousochatzakis (IFW) |
Quantum magnetism on the Cairo pentagonal lattice |
18.01.2013 | Mikhail Pletyukhov (RWTH Aachen) |
Real-time renormalization group studies of quantum impurity models |
25.01.2013 | Peter Schmitteckert (KIT) |
Electronic transport through impurities: finite size vs. finite time effects |
29.01.2013 | Peter P. Orth (KIT) |
Emergent critical phase and Ricci flow in a 2D frustrated Heisenberg model |
01.02.2013 | Philip Brydon | Zero-energy flat bands in noncentrosymmetric superconductors |
08.02.2013 | Martin Zwiebler | Kondo effect in disordered graphene |
Summer Semester 2012
Date | Speaker | Topic |
10.04.2012 | Robert Bamler (LMU München) |
Simulation of Quantum Lattice Systems with the Tensor Renormalization Group |
13.04.2012 | Thomas Brumme | Spin-dependent electron transport in helical structures |
20.04.2012 | Pier Paolo Baruselli (Trieste) |
Kondo anomalies from first principles |
27.04.2012 | Georges Bouzerar (Institut Néel) |
Unified picture and nanoscale inhomogeneities effects in diluted magnetic semiconductors |
04.05.2012 | Eric Andrade | Magnetic excitations in disordered striped antiferromagnetic insulators |
15.05.2012 (SLUB/15.00) |
Führung | Der Dresdner Maya-Codex |
25.05.2012 | Ronny Thomale (Stanford) |
A Kohn Luttinger perspective on topological superconductivity |
08.06.2012 | Guichao Hu | Rectification in diblock co-oligomer diodes |
12.06.2012 | Jan Kunes (Prague) |
Electronic correlations in the vicinity of spin state transitions |
15.06.2012 | Darshan Joshi (IISER Pune) |
Revisiting resistive transitions in one-dimensional superconductors with exact solutions |
22.06.2012 | Johannes Knolle (MPI-PKS) |
Dynamic of Spin Correlations in an Exactly Solvable Spin Liquid |
06.07.2012 | Fabian Zschocke (Hamburg) |
Néel to valence bond solid order in two dimensional quantum system |
07.08.2012 | George B. Martins (Oakland) |
Electrostatic control over polarized currents through spin-orbital Kondo effect |
Winter Semester 2011/12
Date | Speaker | Topic |
21.10.2011 | Lars Fritz (Köln) |
Topological insulators in magnetic fields : Quantum Hall effect and edge channels with non-quantized θ-term |
28.10.2011 | Carsten Timm | Random matrix master equations |
04.11.2011 | Stefan Lange | Random matrix theory for the Lindbald master equation |
11.11.2011 | Matthias Vojta | Cubic interactions and quantum criticality in dimerized antiferromagnets |
15.11.2011 PHY/D016 | Indranil Paul (Institut Néel, CNRS) |
Spin-lattice coupling effects in the iron based superconductors |
18.11.2011 | Agnieszka Donabidowicz-Kolkowska |
Transport through the molecular junction : Master equation approach |
25.11.2011 | Alexander Wollny | Single vacancy in non-collinear antiferromagnets |
06.12.2011 | Stefanos Kourtis (IFW) |
Fractional quantum Hall states in lattice models and their realization due to multiple orbitals |
04.01.2012 16:40 |
Robert Biele (San Sebastian) |
Stochastic Thermal Relaxation of Open Quantum Systems |
06.01.2012 | Daniel Scherer (Jena) |
Low-Dimensional Chiral Physics: Gross-Neveu Universality and Magnetic Catalysis |
13.01.2012 | Sabine Andergassen (RWTH Aachen) |
Interplay of Coulomb interaction and spin-orbit effects in multi-level quantum dots |
20.01.2012 | Philip Brydon | Topology and edge states of non-centrosymmetric superconductors |
27.01.2012 | Imke Schneider | Spectral properties in non-linear Luttinger liquids |
03.02.2012 | V. K. Dugaev (MLU Halle) |
Spin Hall effect and spin pumping in two-dimensional systems with random Rashba spin-orbit interaction |
07.02.2012 | Yasir Iqbal (Toulouse) |
Competing spin-disordered phases of spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the Kagome lattice |
14.02.2012 14:00 MPI-PKS |
Andrew G. Green (UC London) |
Quantum order-by-disorder near criticality and the secret of partial order in MnSi |
17.02.2012 | Juon Osorio (Vienna) |
Transport properties of a Rashba metal |
Summer Semester 2011
Date | Speaker | Topic |
08.04.2011 | Jacob Schmiedt | Doping dependence of antiferromagnetism in the pnictides |
15.04.2011 | Andreas Schnyder (MPI Stuttgart) | Gapless topological phase in semi-metals and superconductors |
26.04.2011 | François Crépin (Université Paris Sud) | Bose-Fermi mixtures in a 1D disordered potential |
29.04.2011 | Eric Andrade | Impurity driven order in gapped magnets |
13.05.2011 | Philip Brydon | Unconventional Josephson effects in triplet superconductor-ferromagnet junctions |
20.05.2011 | Imke Schneider | Excitation spectra of antiferromagnetic molecular nanomagnets |
27.05.2011 | Tim Ludwig | Interference in transport through benzene molecules |
24.06.2011 | Frank Pollmann | Topological phases in 1D: an entanglement point of view |
01.07.2011 | B. Sriram Shastry (UC Santa Cruz) |
Extreme Electronic Correlations and Photoemission in High-Tc Systems |
08.07.2011 | Thomas Brumme | On some properties of molecules on surfaces |
12.07.2011 | Zohar Nussinov (St. Louis) |
Orbital orders and orbital-order-driven quantum criticality |
15.07.2011 | Adel Benlagra | Finite-temperature quasiparticle interference in Kondo lattices |
09.08.2011 | Gregor Hannappel (St. Andrews) |
The Role of Fluctuations Near a Charge Density Wave Quantum Critical Point |
Winter Semester 2010/11
Date | Speaker | Topic |
15.10.2010 | Philip Brydon | Magnetism and Superconductivity in LiFeAs |
22.10.2010 | Matthias Vojta | Why cuprates are exciting |
29.10.2010 | Carsten Timm | Molecular Spintronics and the Master Equation |
05.11.2010 | Imke Schneider | The local density of states of interacting fermions in one dimension |
12.11.2010 | Jong Han | Quantum Simulation of Strongly Correlated Quantum Dots Out of Equilibrium |
19.11.2010 | Eric Andrade | Quantum ripples in strongly correlated metals |
23.11.2010 | Konrad Müller | Ferromagnetism in wide-gap magnetic semiconductors |
26.11.2010 | Jaromir Krzyszczak | Is there a possibility to explain inhomogeneities observed in superconductors by the means of the Boson-Fermion model? |
03.12.2010 | Javier Francisco Nossa Marquez | Spin-electric coupling in the Cu_3 single-molecule magnet |
10.12.2010 | Bogusz Bujnowski | Triplet Josephson Junction with a finite magnetic barrier |
17.12.2010 | Darko Tanaskovic | The cluster DMFT solution of the Anderson lattice model |
14.01.2011 | Björn Zocher (Uni Leipzig) |
Excitonic Spin-Density Waves in Semi Metals |
21.01.2011 | Adel Benlagra | Low temperature scales in a Kondo lattice with two inequivalent local moments |