May 02, 2022
Research: Frustration model and spin excitations in the helimagnet FeP
Magnetic frustration in a material might drive a formation of spin-spiral order, which breaks the crystal translation symmetry. The underlying hierarchy of magnetic interactions is reflected in the magnon excitations, which can be probed by inelastic neutron scattering. Here, the authors study the magnon dispersions of the helimagnet FeP and compare experimentally observed spectra with simulations. Upon examination of alternative models, the authors were able to correctly describe the spin excitations in FeP and unveil the corresponding frustration mechanism.
A. S. Sukhanov, Y. V. Tymoshenko, A. A. Kulbakov, A. S. Cameron, V. Kocsis, H. C. Walker, A. Ivanov, J. T. Park, V. Pomjakushin, S. E. Nikitin, I. V. Morozov, I. O. Chernyavskii, S. Aswartham, A. U. B. Wolter, A. Yaresko, B. Büchner, D. S. Inosov,
Frustration model and spin excitations in the helimagnet FeP,
Phys. Rev. B 105, 134424 (2022) (arXiv)