Gender equality and family support within the SFB 1143
In the last years, the TU Dresden firmly committed to the guiding principle of 'Diversity – an enrichment and an opportunity and to the goal of achieving a work and family life balance as well as genuine equality of opportunities and the inclusion of all staff and university members' (University’s mission statement and its regulation). The CRC takes these measures and supports its employees in reconciling work and family.

Child care during the 4th Retreat Meeting of CRC 1143 in Meißen.
The TU Dresden offers, in cooperation with the agency Wirbelwind, flexible childcare, which includes babysitter service in the parental home, pick up / drop off service from kindergarten or school, and childcare during conferences. Families are supported with fifteen hours of care per month. During conferences, retreat meetings, and summer schools organized by the CRC, daycare is provided on-site to enable all scientists to participate scientific exchange.
Scientists with young children are supported in finding daycare opportunities. To ensure the availability
of daycare places for CRC members with children below three, we financially cooperate with, e.g., the daycare facility (KiTa) of the Studentenwerk Dresden. The university also offers holiday care where the children gain the opportunity to visit institutes and laboratories of TU Dresden and experience experiments. A family service team provides support and advice on work-life balance.
Young parents can already be assisted during pregnancy or (part-time)- parental leave by recruiting research assistance or a maternity leave replacement. To support these scientists during parental leave, adequate home office equipment - mainly laptop computers - are being funded for CRC members.
STEM for woman

Impressions from the TUD-organized MINT mentoring for female school students during the event 'Greenlight for Girls'.
To increase the number of female students in STEM subjects, TU Dresden informs young women about study opportunities and tries to motivate them to study at TU Dresden. The CRC supports and co-organizes mentoring activities for female high-school students. This includes financing student assistants who will act as mentors within the 'Girls' Experimentation Camp' and 'Check STEM - mentoring for students in the STEM area.
In addition to supporting female students, the CRC also supports young female scientists participating in the female investigation in women's conferences and scientific networking events such as BeWISE - Woman in Science and Engineering.
Individual coaching and mentoring are provided to female students and scientists at the TU Dresden, and individual transferable-skill courses such as speech training and workshops on career planning. We offer financial support for the Maria-Reiche-Mentoring Program to support female Post-Doc scientists.
Dual Career
Scientists who start new in the project and move to Dresden receive support from the university in relocating their families and partnerships, which includes finding suitable employment opportunities for spouses/partners with the help of the Dual Career Service Office at TUD.