Oct 10, 2019
Research Training Group: 2nd PhD Symposium
Heike Eisenlohr, winner of the Best Poster Award and Richard Schlitz, winner of the Best Presentation Award during the 2nd Symposium of the PhD-program in Correlated Magnetism (SFB 1143).
The 2nd Symposium of the PhD program in Correlated Magnetism took place on October 8, 2019. During the Symposium the SFB 1143 doctoral researchers and associated doctoral researchers of SFB project partners presented their projects with short oral presentations as well as poster presentations. Besides the opportunity to present their research projects this Symposium offered the chance to get to know the research of other groups in the SFB, and to discuss different scientific approaches. The Symposium was organized by first year doctoral researchers and the GRK coordinator. The best oral presentation and poster presentation, which were determined by a scientific committee consisting of 3 participating project partners, were awarded a prize.
Richard Schlitz won the best presentation award with his talk on All electrical access to topological transport features in Mn1.8PtSn films and Heike Eisenlohr won the best poster presentation pward with her poster on Quantum criticality near the Mott transition. We congratulate both scientists for their outstanding achievements. More information about the Symposium can be found here.