Dec 15, 2020
Research Training Group: Presentation Best Doctoral Thesis Award
The prize for the best doctoral thesis in the SFB in 2020 was awarded on a small scale. The annual prize was awarded for the second time and went to Dr. Daryna Opherden for her outstanding work on "Field tunability of BKT correlations in the square-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet CuPOF". The work was done in project C01 under the supervision of Prof. Wosnitza. Ms Opherden was nominated by her supervisor and selected by a committee including PIs from theoretical and experimental physics, as well as chemistry. The guidelines for selection are excellent grades, outstanding publications and the nomination letter. Ms Opherden is currently working as a postdoc at Helmholtz Zentrum Rossendorf-Dresden, and we wish her all the best for her future career.