Aug 29, 2019
Presentation Best Doctoral Thesis Award
The prize for the Best Doctoral Thesis within the SFB was awarded at the SFB Retreat Meeting 2019 at the Hotel Kloster Nimbschen, Grimma. The annual prize was awarded for the first time and went to Dr. Yang Zhang for his outstanding work on "Linear and nonlinear response in solids: a density functional based approach". This research was part of project A05 and supervised by Prof. Felser and Prof. van den Brink. Dr. Yang Zhang was nominated by his supervisors and selected by a committee composed of the PIs of the Integrated Research Training Group. The guidelines for the selection are very good grades, excellent publications and nomination letters. Dr. Yang Zhang is currently working as a postdoc at the renowned Massachusetts Intitute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA and we wish him all the best for his future career.