Summer School 2017
The Summer School 2017 of SFB 1143 takes place from Sep 18, 2017 to Sep 19, 2017 at the Berghotel Bastei.
Bus transportation from and to Berghotel Bastei will be provided.
Dresden – Bastei: Monday, Sep 18, 2017, departure 8 AM from Lukasplatz
Impressions of the Summer School 2017:
Monday, 18.09.2017
08:00 Departure from Dresden/Lukasplatz
09:00 Arrival Bastei
09:15 Henning Klauss: "Experimental methods in correlated electron physics"
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Frank Pollmann: "Entanglement in spin liquids and more generally in topologically ordered phases"
12:00 Lunch
13:15 Henning Klauss "Nuclear probe studies of magnetic systems - methods and selected applications"
14:30 Coffee break & Check-In
15:30 Guided tour Nationalpark/hiking tour/discussion until 18:00
19:00 Dinner
Tuesday 19.09.2017
09:15 Piet Brouwer: "Topological superconductivity and Majorana states"
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Markus Garst: "Skyrmions in chiral magnets"
12:00 Lunch
13:45 Anna Isaeva: "Crystal Growth"
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Maria Hermanns: "Quantum Spin Liquids"
16:30 Lukas Eng: "Scanning Force Microscopy - Surface and Near-Surface Sample Properties Probed Down to Atomic Length Scales"
17:45 End of Summer School
18:00 Departure from Bastei
19:00 Arrival at Dresden/Lukasplatz