Das Doktorandenseminar des SFB findet jede zweite Woche donnerstags 14:50 - 16:20 Uhr statt. Der Raum wird in der Rundmail bekanntgegeben. Im Anschluss gibt es die Möglichkeit die Themen bei einer Tasse Tee oder Kaffee weiter zu erörtern.
Datum | Vortragende | Titel des Vortrages |
16.01.2025 |
Gustavo Lombardi (MPI-CPfS) Chair: Francisco Lieberich |
"Probing the 4f role on the ground state of heavy fermion superconductors" |
13.02.2025 | Alexander Schwenke | "The Numerical Linked Cluster Expansion for frustrated quantum magnets" |
27.02.2025 | Annarose Jose Palliyan | "Synthesis, crystal growth and magnetic properties of some oxide" |
27.03.2025 | Sabastian Granberg Cauchi | "A chiral spin liquid meets a magnet: the decorated-honeycomb Kitaev model in an external field" |
24.04.2025 | Nico Albert | tba |
Datum | Vortragende | Titel des Vortrages |
12.12.2024 1pm GER/37/H |
Prof. Carsten Timm | "Scientific Writing" |
28.11.2024 | Prof. Alexey Chernikov | "Live by the sword: Handling the paper review/revision/rebuttal" |
21.11.2024 | Tom Drechsler | "QMCalc - A computer algebra based package for solid state physicists" |
14./15.11.24 | SFB 1143 Herbstschule 2024 | |
18.10.2024 | PhD Symposium | |
05.09.2024 | Oleksandr Zaiets | "Determination of Magnetic Symmetries by Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction" |
08.08.2024 | Charlotte Beneke | "An Introduction to Field-Theoretic Renormalization Group Theory on the Example of an Exciting Impurity Problem" |
25.07.2024 | Manuel Schulze | "A previously unnoticed RE-TM-antimonide: CeFeSb3" |
11.07.2024 | Niccolò Francini | "Brief guide to Markov chain Monte-Carlo" |
27.06.2024 | Prof. Dr. Matthias Vojta (TUD/ITP) | "DFG Proposal Writing" |
13.06.2024 |
Chair: Justus Grumbach |
"Adiabatic Approximation and Magnetism - Crystal Field Phonon Interactions in McPhase" |
03./04.06.2024 | SFB Retreat 2024 | |
30.05.2024 | Tillmann Weinhold | "Study of Topologic Materials by Magnetic Resonance Techniques" |
16.05.2024 | Julia Besproswanny | "STM studies on the Weyl-semimetal and superconductor trigonal PtBi2" |
11.04.2024 | Miranda Vinay (Associate Editor Springer Nature, Germany) | Online Workshop on Scientific Writing |
07.03.2024 |
Sebastian Beckert |
"In-situ Correlation of Electrical (Magneto-)Transport Effects with Magnetic Textures in a Transmission Electron Microscope" |
22.02.2024 | Felix Seewald (TUD/IFMP) | "Mössbauer spectroscopy on frustrated systems" |
15.02.2024 |
Chair: Tsuei-Shin |
"Innovative tools for quantum materials exploration: the case of twisted bilayers cuprate heterostructures" |
08.02.2024 | Carl Lehmann (TUD/ITP) | "Non-Hermitian Phenomena in Closed Correlated Fermionic Systems" |
25.01.2024 | Francisco Lieberich (MPI-CPfS) |
"Elastocaloric effect of SrCu2(BO3)2 under uniaxial pressure" |
19.01.2024 9:20 am HSZ/301/U |
Michael Scherer (Ruhr Universität Bochum) Chair: David Moser |
"Competing interactions, phase transitions, and criticality in 2D Dirac systems" |
11.01.2024 | Tom Drechsler (TUD/ITP) | "Group Representations - An Introduction" |
Datum | Vortragende | Titel des Vortrages |
19.12.2023 | Social event: Christmast market | |
07.12.2023 | Michel Miranda | "Kondo screening in Kitaev spin liquids with a Fermi surface" |
23.11.2023 |
"Fluctuation induced ordering on the kagome lattice" |
09.11.2023 | Goran Nakerst | "Introduction to Julia - A programing tutorial" |
2./3.11.2023 | SFB Herbstschule 2023 | |
05.07.2023 | ||
9:00 - 13:00 Workshop "Stressmanagement" by Katharina Ulbrich (GA TU Dresden) at GA basement area, room 4 | ||
08.06.2023 |
Tutorial-Tag am IFW
Chair: David Moser |
01.06.2023 |
Tutorial-Tag am MPI-CPfS
Chair: Fabian Köhler |
25.05.2023 | Jun.-Prof. Hong-Hao Tu | "Possible chiral spin liquid state in the spin-1/2 kagome Heisenberg model" |
04.05.2023 | Kerstin Brankatschk | Allgemeine Information zum Graduiertenkolleg, sowie zu wichtigen SFB 1143 Veranstaltungen 2023 |
Datum | Vortragende | Titel des Vortrages |
01.12.2022 |
Nikolaos Stefanidis (MPI-PKS) Chair: Aswathi Mannathanath |
"Excitonic Laughlin states in MATBG and the higher Landau levels of graphene" |
20.10.2022 | Chair: Pedro Consoli | "Kondo breakdown transitions and phase-separation tendencies in valence-fluctuating heavy-fermion metals" |
15.09.2022 | Andy Knoll (TUD/ITP) | Screening in Weyl semimetals |
07.09.2022 |
Dr. Ranjith Kumar (IFW) Chair: Sreejith Thamban |
"NMR evidence against spin-nematic nature of the presaturation phase in frustrated magnet SrZnVO(PO4)" |
30.06.2022 | Chair: Bastian Beckert | “Magneto-thermal transport in non collinear antiferromagnetic thin films” |
09.06.2022 |
Pablo Pedrazzini (CONICET & Universidad Nacional de Cuyo) Chair: Michel Miranda |
“Metamagnetism in CeTiGe alloys” |
18.05.2022 |
Tutorial-Tag am HZDR
Chair: Andreas Hauspurg (HZDR) |
12.05.2022 | Wilhelm Krüger (TUD/ITP) | "Modeling the honeycomb magnet Na2Co2TeO6: Significance of ring exchange" |
31.03.2022 | Chair: Abanoub Hanna | "Crystal growth and characterization of the spin-liquid candidate PbCuTe2O6" |
Datum | Vortragende | Titel des Vortrages |
09.12.2021 |
Steffen Sykora (TUD/ITP) Chair: Konstantinos Ladovrechis |
“Generalized diagonalization scheme of the Kondo model” |
25.11.2021 | Chair: Erik Wagner | “The J_1-J_2-Heisenberg Bilayer" |
28.10.2021 |
Bernhard Frank (TUD/ITP) Chair: Charlotte Beneke |
"Thermodynamics and Transport without Quasiparticles - From the unitary Fermi gas to quantum critical metals-" |
30.09.2021 |
Hua-Chen Zhang Chair: Sreejith Chulliparambil |
"Chiral conformal field theory for topological states and the anyon eigenbasis on the torus" |
02.09.2021 | Chair: Sukriti Singh | |
21.06.2021 |
Dr. Willian Natori (Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France) Chair: Pedro Consoli |
"Local Probes for Charge-Neutral Edge States in Two-Dimensional Quantum Magnets" |
03.06.2021 |
João Carlos de Andrade Getelina Chair: Michel Miranda |
"A mean-field approach to the superfluid-Mott glass phase transition" |
20.05.2021 | Ekaterina Vinokurova (TUD/IFMP) | "Dilution of α-RuCl3 by Non-Magnetic Elements: Synthesis and Crystal Growth" |
06.05.2021 | Bastian Rubrecht (IFW) | "Probing MnBi4Te7 under hydrostatic pressure" |
25.03.2021 | Konstantinos Ladovrechis (TUD/ITP) | "Competing magnetic orders and multipolar Weyl fermions in 227 pyrochlore iridates" |
12.03.2021 | Sreejith Chulliparambil (TUD/ITP) | "Flux crystals, Majorana metals and flat bands in exactly solvable spin-orbital liquids" |
25.02.2021 | Erik Wagner (BS) | "Two triplon excitations of the Kitaev-Heisenberg-Bilayer" |
11.02.2021 | Alberto Corticelli (MPI-PKS) | "Spin-Space Groups and Magnon Band Topology" |
28.01.2021 | Wilhelm Krüger (TUD/ITP) | "Renormalization group analysis for the Kitaev model at intermediate fields" |
21.01.2021 | Matthias Gillig (IFW) | "Low-temperature thermal transport in the spin-liquid candidate NaYbS2" |
Datum | Vortragende | Titel des Vortrags |
17.12.2020 | Andreas Hauspurg (HZDR) | "Acoustic waves - a sensitive and powerful tool in experimental solid state physics" |
03.12.2020 | Charlotte Beneke (TUD/ITP) | Introductory Talk |
19.11.2020 | Andy Knoll (TUD/ITP) | "Negative longitudinal magnetoconductance at weak fields in Weyl semimetals" |
05.11.2020 | Heike Eisenlohr (TUD/ITP) | "LiHoF4 in tilted fields: emergent mesoscale antiferromagnetism near ferromagnetic transverse-field criticality" |
22.10.2020 | Tom Klaproth (IFW) | "Photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) as a tool to study electronic properties of 2D materials" |
08.10.2020 | Prof. Dr. Matthias Vojta (TUD/ITP) | "DFG Proposal Writing" |
14.07.2020 | Prof. Dr. Carsten Timm (TUD/ITP) | "Scientific Writing" |
02.07.2020 | Ellen Häußler (TUD/CHE) | "Synthesis of magnetic layered materials" |
25.06.2020 | Sukriti Singh (MPI-CPfS) | "Single crystal growth and study of some selective topological superconductors and ferromagnets" |
18.06.2020 | Prof. Dr. Dmytro Inosov (TUD/IFMP) | "Proposal Writing" |
12.03.2020 | Lorenzo Pastori (TUD/ITP) | "Disentangling sources of quantum entanglement in quench dynamics" |
27.02.2020 | Bastian Rubrecht (IFW) | "LRO in the triangular lattice AFM KCeS2" |
30.01.2020 |
Luis Colmenarez (MPI-PKS) Chair: Madelynn Nayga |
"Statistics of correlations functions in the random Heisenberg chain" |
16.01.2020 |
Gerald Malsch (TUD/IAP) |
"Choosing the right colour scale for data presentation" |
Datum | Vortragende | Titel des Vortrags |
21.11.2019 |
Christoph Wellm (IFW) Chair: Matthias Gillig (IFW) |
"Electron spin resonance studies on the putative spin liquid compound Na2BaCo(PO4)2" |
07.11.2019 |
Dr. Pabitra Kumar Biswas (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK) Chair: Shreenanda Ghosh |
"Muon spin spectroscopy studies of Fe-chalchogenide superconductors" |
24.10.2019 |
Renato Dantas (MPI-PKS) Chair: Heike Eisenlohr |
"Non‐Abelian anomalies in multi‐Weyl semimetals" |
29.08.2019 |
Ciarán Hickey Chair: Urban Seifert |
"Field-Induced Phenomena in Kitaev Magnets" |
08.08.2019 |
Prof. Dr. Satoru Nakatsuji (University of Tokyo) Chair: Yulia Gritsenko |
"Topological spintronics using frustrated magnets" |
18.07.2019 | Charlotte Beneke (TUD/ITP) | Introductory Talk |
04.07.2019 |
Dr. Thomas Herrmannsdoerfer (HZDR) Chair: Shanu Dengre |
"Investigation of pyrochlore compounds at extreme sample conditions" |
27.06.2019 |
Dr. Silvia Viola Kusminskiy (MPI-for the science of light) Chair: Urban Seifert |
"Cavity Optomagnonics" |
20.06.2019 |
Dr. Jeffrey Rau (MPI-PKS) Chair: Heicke Eisenlohr |
"Topological magnons and the non-Hermitian topology of spontaneous magnon decay" |
09.05.2019 |
Dr. Steffen Sykora (IFW) Chair: Christoph Wuttke |
"Many-particle approach to a model of nematic fluctuations in orin-based superconductors" |
25.04.2019 | Chair: Heike Eisenlohr | Einführungsvorträge 3 "neuer" Doktoranden |
11.04.2019 |
Dr. Tiago Mendes Santos (ICTP, Italy) Mary Madelynn Nayga |
"Measuring entanglement in many-body systems via thermodynamics" |
14.03.2019 | Gizem Aslan Cansever (IFW) | "Addressing controversial findings on the magnetism of Sr2YIrO6: the case of Y to Ir ratio" |
28.02.2019 | Yevhen Onykiienko (TUD/IFMP) | "Neutron scattering. Under the hood" |
14.02.2019 |
Dr. David Luitz (MPI-PKS) Chair: Heike Eisenlohr |
"Out of time order correlators and locality in quantum many-body systems" |
31.01.2019 | Felix Brückner (TUD/IFMP) | "Spin freezing in disordered pyrochlore magnets probed by NMR" |
17.01.2019 |
Chair: Heike Eisenlohr |
Einführungsvorträge 3 "neuer" Doktoranden |
Datum | Vortragende | Titel des Vortrags |
11.12.2018 | Weihnachtsfeier | |
27.11.2018 |
Oleg Petrenko (University of Warwick, UK) Chair: Yulia Gritsenko (HZDR) |
"Low-temperature in-field behavior of magnetic systems with frustrated interactions" |
08.11.2018 | Chris Koschenz (TUD/ITP) | |
25.10.2018 |
Stephanie Matern (St. Andrews, UK) Chair: Laura Köhler (TUD/ITP) |
"Memory effects in a simple metal" |
11.10.2018 | Rodriguez Beltran | |
13.09.2018/ 14.09.2018 |
DFG-Begutachtung | |
21.08.2018/ 22.08.2018 | Sommerschule und 4. Klausurtagung im Parkhotel Meißen | |
19.07.2018 |
Chair: Lisa Leissner |
"Modulated order in solid-state ionic conductors: a fine line between helping and hindering" |
21.06.2018 |
Wei Tang (Peking University) Chair: Lorenzo Pastori (TUD/ITP) |
"Universal entropy of conformal critical theories on a Klein bottle: a quantum Monte Carlo study" |
07.06.2018 |
Tutorial -Tag des ITP: Introduction to theoretical methods in frustrated systems 1.30 - 3.00 pm - Jun.-Prof. Hong-Hao Tu (TUD/ITP) - Introduction to Matrix Product States Chair: Angelo Pidatella (TUD/ITP) |
17.05.2018 |
Dr. Federico Caglieris (IFW) Chair: Johannes Schoop (IFW) |
"Giant anomalous Nernst effect in Weyl Semimetals" |
03.05.2018 | Benjamin Wolba (TUD/ITP) | "Phasediagram of Chiral Antiferromagnets" |
19.04.2018 |
Dr. Inti Sodemann (MPI-PKS) Chair: Urban Seifert (TUD/ITP) |
"Quantum Phase Transitions in the Half Filled Landau Level" |
05.04.2018 | First Symposium of the PhD-program in Correlated Magnetism | |
22.02.2018 |
Prof. Jan Budich (TUD/ITP) Chair: Santanu Dey (TUD/ITP) |
"Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Topological Insulators" |
08.02.2018 | Kerstin Brankatschk | Allgemeine Information zum Graduiertenkolleg, sowie zu wichtigen SFB 1143 Veranstaltungen 2018 |
11.01.2018 |
Chair: Thomas Stöter (TUD/IFMP & HZDR) |
Lightning talks about PhD-projects |
Datum | Vortragende | Titel des Vortrags |
11.12.2017 | Weihnachtsfeier | |
30.11.2017 | Chair: Thomas Stöter (TUD/IFMP & HZDR) | Lightning talks about PhD-projects |
16.11.2017 |
FU Berlin Chair: Urban Seifert (TUD/ITP) |
"A functional renormalization-group approach for frustrated quantum spin-systems" |
02.11.2017 |
RWTH Aachen Chair: Angelo Pidatella (TUD/ITP) |
"Edge magnetism in Graphene NanoRibbons intercating with Topological Insulators" |
18. - 19.09.2017 | Sommerschule im Berghotel Bastei | |
30. - 31.08.2017 | Klausurtagung im Hotel Kloster Nimbschen (Grimma) | |
13.07.2017 |
Dr. Michael Nicklas (MPI-CPfS) Chair: Sascha Albert Bräuninger + Shanu Dengre |
"Pressure tuning of material properties: Study of novel unconventional phases" |
22.06.2017 |
Prof. Gang Cao (Boulder) Chair: Michael Vogl |
"The Challenge of Spin-Orbit-Tuned Ground States in Iridates" |
08.06.2017 | Tutorial Day am IFW: 14:00 - 14:50 Prof. Matthias Vojta (TUD/IFW) – Quantum Spin Ice 15:00 - 15:45 „5 minutes talks“ about current progress of the SFB PhDs 15:50 - 16:10 Johannes Schoop - Introduction to e-beam lithographie 16:20 - 17:30 Hands on Exercises and Lab Tour 17:30 – open end BBQ at the IFW courtyard Chair: Haijiao Hu, Johannes Schoop + Michael Vogl |
18.05.2017 | Tutorial Day am IFW: 1.30 - 3.00 pm – Prof. van den Brink (IFW/TUD) - Kitaev materials - Iridates and RuCl3 3.20 - 4.50 pm - Paula L.-Kelley (Oakridge National Lab/ University of Tennessee) - Observation of fractionalized quasiparticles near a quantum spin liquid 5.00 - 5.20 pm - Richard Hentrich - Large field-induced gap of Kitaev-Heisenberg paramagnons in α-RuCl3 5:30 - 5.50 pm - Maximilian Geyer - Anisotropic Ru3+ magnetism in the honeycomb system α-RuCl3 6 pm - Lab Tour and BBQ Chair: Maximilian Geyer + Richard Hentrich |
20.04.2017 | Dr. Karin Everschor-Sitte
Leiterin der Emmy Noether Forschungsgruppe “TWIST – Topological Whirls In SpinTronics” an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz |
„Introduction to magnetic skyrmions – topological magnetic textures” |
06.04.2017 |
Dr. Tobias Meng (TUD/ITP) Chair: Santanu Dey (TUD/ITP) |
"Cutting electrons apart: a simple introduction to fractionalization" |
06.04.2017 |
Dr. Tobias Meng (TUD/ITP) Chair: Santanu Dey (TUD/ITP) |
"Cutting electrons apart: a simple introduction to fractionalization" |
09.03.2017 |
Tutorial-Tag an der TUBAF (Freiberg) Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaft/ Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg Chair: Lisa Leißner + Mathis Antlauf |
- Vortrag zum Thema Rietveld-Verfeinerung an Pulverdiffraktometriedaten - Experimente und Führung durch das XRD-Labor - Diskussion zum Thema |
09.02.2017 | Thomas Stöter | "Experimental evidence of Spin Ice Behaviour in Dy2Ti2O7" |
09.02.2017 | Dr. Mathias Dörr (TUD/IFMP) | "Theory and Experiment of Magnetostriction and Thermal Expansion" |
26.01.2017 | Chair: Thomas Stöter | Lightning Talks |
12.01.2017 | IFW Raum D2E.32 | Planung des Doktorandenseminars 2017 |
Datum | Vortragende | Titel des Vortrags |
07.12.2016 | Arbeitsgruppentreffen mit Weihnachtsfeier | |
24.11.2016, 15 Uhr |
Planung des Jahres 2017 |
09.11.2016 | Arbeitsgruppentreffen | |
27.10.2016, 15 Uhr | Prof. Matthias Vojta (TUD/ITP) |
Spin Ice: Frustration, Monopoles, Phase Transitions IFW Raum D2E.32 |
12.10.2016 | Arbeitsgruppentreffen | |
28.09.2016 | Arbeitsgruppentreffen | |
14.09.2016 | Dr. Markus Schwarz (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) |
Tutorial-Tag an der TUBAF (Freiberg): Vortrag zum Thema "High Pressure Synthesis" sowie Campus-Tour, Laborführungen und Arbeit in Kleingruppen |
31.08.2016 | Dr. Mathias Dörr (TUD/IFMP) | |
17.08.2016 | Arbeitsgruppentreffen | |
20.07.2016 | Arbeitsgruppentreffen | |
06.07.2016 | Hannes Stummer (IFW) | "Crystal characterization with X-rays" |
22.06.2016 | Arbeitsgruppentreffen | |
08.06.2016 | Maximilian Kusch (IFW) | SQUID |
25.05.2016 | Thomas Stöter (TUD/IFMP) | "Magnetostriction of rare earth pyrochlores" |
11.05.2016 |
Yuliia Tymoshenko (TUD/IFMP) Hannes Stummer (IFW) |
"Neutron scattering techniques for investigation of magnetic excitations" "High pressure synthesis of Ba3YIr2O9" |
27.04.2016 |
Yevhen Onykiienko (TUD/IFMP) Thomas Stöter (TUD/IFMP & HZDR) |
"PANDAS library: simple data analysis" a tutorial: "Latex for Posters" |
13.04.2016 |
Lisa Leißner (TUBAF) Thomas Stöter (TUD/IFMP & HZDR) |
Tutorial-Tag an der TUBAF (Freiberg) "High pressure/high temperature synthesis of iridates" Tech-Talk: "git: 'a distributed version control system' or 'How to record the evolution of your thesis'" |
30.03.2016 |
Gizem Aslan Cansever (IFW) |
"Sr2YIrO6 single and polycrystalline materials with Ir5+ states" |
16.03.2016 |
Richard Hentrich (IFW) |
"Thermal conductivity of a 2D honeycomb material" "Coulomb Spin Liquid on the Honeycomb Lattice" 16:00 Uhr Führung durch das Buchmuseum (SLUB Dresden) |
02.03.2016 |
Maximilian Kusch (IFW) |
Talk about RIXS |
17.02.2016 |
Yang Zhang (IFW) Thomas Stöter (TUD/IFMP & HZDR) |
"Large Anomalous hall effect in non-collinear antiferromagnets" "Magnetoelastic properties of the quantum-spin-ice candidate Yb2Ti2O7" |
03.02.2016 | Yulia Gritsenko (TUD/IFMP & HZDR) |
Tutorial/Führung am HZDR (Dresden-Rossendorf) "Ultrasound measurements". |
20.01.2016 | Shanu Dengre (TUD/IFMP) | "Solid State NMR: a local probe technique" |
06.01.2016 |
Mathis Antlauf (TUBAF/CHE) |
"High pressure synthesis and preparation" |
Datum | Vortragende | Titel des Vortrags |
06.12.2015 | Weihnachtsfeier | |
09.12.2015 | Maximilian Geyer (IFW) | "Magnetic and Thermodynamic characterisation of materials by means of SQUID- and PPMS-measurement systems" |
25.11.2015 |
Johannes Schoop (TUD/CTD & IFW) Michael Vogl (TUD/IFW) |
"Transport measurements of microsized Single Crystals and Polycrystals" "Synthesis of iridium-based perovskites" |
11.11.2015 | Haijiao Hu (TUD/CHE) | "Synthesis of magnetic materials with strong spin-orbit coupling" |
28.10.2015 |
Darshan Joshi (TUD/ITP) Sascha A. Bräuninger (TUD/IFP) |
"Magnetic quantum phase transitions: Bond-operator theory and spin-wave theory" "Nuclear probes: µSR and Mössbauer spectroscopy on frustrated Materials" |
14.10.2015 |
Thomas Stöter (TUD/IFMP & HZDR) Erik Neuber (TUD/IAP) |
"Magnetostriction measurements by Capacitance Dilatometry" "Scanning Probe Microscopy Magnetic Structures and Topological States" |