PD Dr. Olga Maria Klimecki-Lenz

Ms PD Dr. Olga Maria Klimecki-Lenz
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Key Research Topics
- Emotions, social cognition, empathy, compassion
- Promoting health and well-being over the lifespan
- Conflict resolution
- Learning and education
- Neural, emotional, and behavioural plasticity
- Meditation
Key Methods
- Neuroimaging (fMRI, MRI)
- Psychophysiology (skin conductance, heart rate, pupil dilation)
- Neuroendocrinology (mainly cortisol and serotonin)
- Behavioural paradigms (questionnaires, behavioural tests, memory tests)
- Social interaction paradigms (couple conflicts, conflictual discussions, cyberball game)
- Economic paradigms (Dictator Game, Zurich Prosocial Game, Inequality Game)
Publications (5 most important)
Baez Lugo, S., Deza-Araujo, Y.I., Maradan, C., Collette, F., Lutz, A., Marchant, N.L., Chételat, G., Vuilleumier, P., Klimecki, O. and the Medit-Ageing Research Group (2023). Exposure to negative socio-emotional events induces sustained alteration of resting-state brain networks in older adults. Nature Aging, 3, 105–120.
Cernadas Curotto, P., Sterpenich, V., Sander, D., Favez, N., Rimmele, U., & Klimecki, O. (2021). Quarreling after a sleepless night: preliminary evidence of the impact of sleep deprivation on interpersonal conflict. Affective Science, 3, 341–352.
Klimecki, O.M., Sander, D., & Vuilleumier, P. (2018). Distinct brain areas involved in anger versus punishment during social interactions. Scientific Reports, 8, 10556.
Klimecki, O., Leiberg, S., Lamm, C., Singer, T. (2013). Functional neural plasticity and associated changes in positive affect after compassion training. Cerebral Cortex, 23, 1552–1561.
Klimecki, O., Leiberg, S., Ricard, M., Singer, T. (2014). Differential Pattern of Functional Brain Plasticity after Compassion and Empathy Training. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9, 873–879.