Prof. Dr. Tanja Endrass
Prof. Dr. Tanja Endrass
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Tanja Endrass is Professor of Addiction Research at the Technische Universität Dresden. Her focus is to explore factors and mechanisms that contribute to the vulnerability and development of compulsive behaviors as it is observed in addition or obsessive-compulsive disorder. She uses electroencephalography and functional magnet resonance imaging to determine behavioral and neural biomarkers of compulsivity, e.g. action control, learning, and decision making. The goal is to understand why people develop harmful behaviors that are difficult to change.
Short biography
Tanja Endrass became Professor of Addition Research in September 2016. From 2012 to 2016 she was working with Markus Ullsperger at the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg and set up an outpatient clinic for psychotherapy at the university. In 2013 she completed her habilitation in psychology and obtained here license in psychotherapy (Behavioral Therapy). From 2003 to 2012 she was post-doc in the group of Norbert Kathmann at the Humboldt University in Berlin where she focused on obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Research interests
Neurobiological mechanisms of compulsive behavior
Changes of neural and cognitive processes in mental disorders: addiction, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder
Performance monitoring, learning, decision making
Emotion regulation
2016 & in press
- Dieterich, R., Endrass, T., & Kathmann, N. (2016). Uncertainty is associated with increased selective attention and sustained stimulus processing. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 16(3), 447-456.
- Endrass, T.*, Schuermann, B.*, Roepke, S., Kessler-Scheil, S., & Kathmann, N. (2016). Reduced risk avoidance and altered neural correlates of feedback processing in patients with borderline personality disorder. Psychiatry Research, 243, 14-22. (* equal contribution)
- Grützmann, R.*, Endrass, T.*, Kaufmann, C., Allen, E., Eichele, T., & Kathmann, N (2016). Presupplementary Motor Area Contributes to Altered Error Monitoring in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 80(7), 562-571. (* equal contribution)
- Klawohn, J., Endrass, T., Preuss, J., Riesel, A., & Kathmann, N. (2016). Modulation of hyperactive error signals in obsessive-compulsive disorder by dual-task demands. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 125(2), 292-298.
- Paul, S., Endrass, T., Kathmann, N., & Simon, D. (2016). Adapting another person's affective state modulates brain potentials to unpleasant pictures. Biological Psychology, 120, 81-87.
- Paul, S., Simon, D., Endrass, T., & Kathmann, N. (2016). Altered emotion regulation in obsessive-compulsive disorder as evidenced by the late positive potential. Psychological Medicine, 46(1), 137-147.
- Fischer, A. G., Endrass, T., Goebel, I., Reuter, M., Montag, C., Kubisch, C., & Ullsperger, M. (2015). Interactive effects of citalopram and serotonin transporter genotype on neural correlates of response inhibition and attentional orienting. NeuroImage, 116, 59-67.
- Fischer, A. G., Endrass, T., Reuter, M., Kubisch, C., & Ullsperger, M. (2015). Serotonin reuptake inhibitors and serotonin transporter genotype modulate performance monitoring functions but not their electrophysiological correlates. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(21), 8181-8190.
- Riesel, A., Endrass, T., Auerbach, L., & Kathmann, N. (2015). Overactive perfromance monitoring as an endophenotype for obsessive-compulsive disorder: evidence from a treatment study. American Journal of Psychiatry, 172(7), 665-673.
- Riesel, A., Richter, A., Kaufmann, C., Kathmann, N., & Endrass, T. (2015). Performance monitoring in obsessive-compulsive undergraduates: effects of task difficulty. Brain and Cognition, 98, 35-42.
- Endrass, T., Riesel, A., Kathmann, N., & Buhlmann, U. (2014). Performance monitoring in obsessive-compulsive disorder and social anxiety disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 123(4), 705-714.
- Endrass, T., & Ullsperger, M. (2014). Specificity of Performance Monitoring Changes in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 46, 124–138.
- Grützmann, R., Endrass, T., Klawohn, J., & Kathmann, N. (2014). Response accuracy rating modulates ERN and Pe amplitudes.Biological Psychology, 96, 1-7.
- Grützmann, R., Riesel, A., Klawohn, J., Kathmann, N., & Endrass, T. (2014). Complementary modulation of N2 and CRN by conflict frequency Psychophysiology, 51(8), 761-772.
- Ischebeck, M., Endrass, T., Simon, D., & Kathmann, N. (2014). Altered frontal EEG asymmetry in obsessive-compulsive disorder.Psychophysiology, 51(7), 596-601.
- Klawohn, J., Riesel, A., Grutzmann, R., Kathmann, N., & Endrass, T. (2014). Performance monitoring in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A temporo-spatial principal component analysis. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 14(3), 983-995.
- Riesel, A., Kathmann, N., & Endrass, T. (2014). Overactive performance monitoring in obsessive-compulsive disorder is independent of symptom expression. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 264(8), 707-717.
- Ullsperger, M., Fischer, A. G., Nigbur, R., & Endrass, T. (2014). Neural mechanisms and temporal dynamics of performance monitoring.Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 18(5), 259-267.
- Beucke, J. C., Sepulcre, J., Talukdar, T., Linnman, C., Zschenderlein, K., Endrass, T., Kaufmann, C., & Kathmann, N. (2013). Abnormally high degree connectivity of the orbitofrontal cortex in obsessive-compulsive disorder. JAMA Psychiatry, 70(6), 619-629.
- Buhlmann, U., & Endrass, T. (2013). Obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders (Editorial). Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 61(3), 139-140. [German]
- Endrass, T., Koehne, S., Riesel, A., & Kathmann, N. (2013). Neural correlates of feedback processing in obsessive-compulsive disorder.Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 122(2), 387-396.
- Endrass, T., & Riesel, A. (2013). Endophenotypes of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 61(3), 155-165. [German]
- Kathmann, N., Bogdahn, B., & Endrass, T. (2013). Negative Priming in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Schizophrenia: Association with Symptom Patterns. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 4(4), 405-419.
- Kaufmann, C., Beucke, J., Preuße, F., Endrass, T., Schlagenhauf, F., Heinz, A., Juckel, G., & Kathmann, N. (2013). Medial prefrontal brain activation to anticipated reward and loss in obsessive–compulsive disorder. NeuroImage: Clinical, 2, 213-220.
- Kuhn, S., Kaufmann, C., Simon, D., Endrass, T., Gallinat, J., & Kathmann, N. (2013). Reduced thickness of anterior cingulate cortex in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Cortex, 49, 2178-2185.
- Paul, S., Simon, D., Kniesche, R., Kathmann, N., & Endrass, T. (2013). Timing effects of antecedent- and response-focused emotion regulation strategies. Biological Psychology, 94, 136-142.
- Riesel, A., Weinberg, A., Endrass, T., Meyer, A., & Hajcak, G. (2013). The ERN is the ERN is the ERN? Convergent validity of error-related brain activity across different tasks. Biological Psychology, 93(3), 377-385.
- Beucke, J. C., Kaufmann, C., Linnman, C., Gruetzmann, R., Endrass, T., Deckersbach, T., Dougherty, D. D., & Kathmann, N. (2012). Altered cingulostriatal coupling in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Brain Connectivity, 2(4), 191-202.
- Endrass, T., Klawohn, J., Gruetzmann, R., Ischebeck, M., & Kathmann, N. (2012). Response-related negativities following correct and incorrect responses: Evidence from a temporospatial principal component analysis. Psychophysiology, 49(6), 733-743.
- Endrass, T., Klawohn, J., Preuss, J., & Kathmann, N. (2012). Temporospatial dissociation of Pe subcomponents for perceived and unperceived errors. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6, 178.
- Endrass, T., Schreiber, M., & Kathmann, N. (2012). Speeding up older adults: Age-effects on error processing in speed and accuracy conditions. Biological Psychology, 89(2), 426-432.
- Gentsch, A., Schutz-Bosbach, S., Endrass, T., & Kathmann, N. (2012). Dysfunctional forward model mechanisms and aberrant sense of agency in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 71(7), 652-659.
- Riesel, A., Weinberg, A., Endrass, T., Kathmann, N., & Hajcak, G. (2012). Punishment has a lasting impact on error-related brain activity.Psychophysiology, 49(2), 239-247.
- Schreiber, M., Endrass, T., Weigand, A., & Kathmann, N. (2012). Age Effects on Adjustments of Performance Monitoring to Task Difficulty.Journal of Psychophysiology, 26(4), 145-153.
- Schuermann, B., Endrass, T., & Kathmann, N. (2012). Neural correlates of feedback processing in decision-making under risk. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6, 204.
- Beucke, J. C., Plotkin, M., Winter, C., Endrass, T., Amthauer, H., Juckel, G., & Kupsch, A. (2011). Midbrain serotonin transporters in de novo and L-DOPA-treated patients with early Parkinson's disease - a [(123) I]-ADAM SPECT study. European Journal of Neurology, 18(5), 750-755.
- Endrass, T., Kloft, L., Kaufmann, C., & Kathmann, N. (2011). Approach and avoidance learning in obsessive-compulsive disorder.Depression and Anxiety, 28(2), 166-172.
- Ischebeck, M., Endrass, T., Simon, D., & Kathmann, N. (2011). Auditory novelty processing is enhanced in obsessive-compulsive disorder.Depression and Anxiety, 28(10), 915-923.
- Pietschmann, M., Endrass, T., Czerwon, B., & Kathmann, N. (2011). Aging, probabilistic learning and performance monitoring. Biological Psychology, 86(1), 74-82.
- Pietschmann, M., Endrass, T., & Kathmann, N. (2011). Age-related alterations in performance monitoring during and after learning.Neurobiology of Aging, 32(7), 1320-1330.
- Riesel, A.*, Endrass, T.*, Kaufmann, C., & Kathmann, N. (2011). Overactive error-related brain activity as a candidate endophenotype for obsessive-compulsive disorder: evidence from unaffected first-degree relatives. American Journal of Psychiatry, 168(3), 317-324. (* equal contribution)
- Schreiber, M., Pietschmann, M., Kathmann, N., & Endrass, T. (2011). ERP correlates of performance monitoring in elderly. Brain and Cognition, 76(1), 131-139.
- Schuermann, B., Kathmann, N., Stiglmayr, C., Renneberg, B., & Endrass, T. (2011). Impaired decision making and feedback evaluation in borderline personality disorder. Psychological Medicine, 41(9), 1917-1927.
- Beucke, J. C., Uhl, I., Plotkin, M., Winter, C., Assion, H. J., Endrass, T., Amthauer, H., Kupsch, A., & Juckel, G. (2010). Serotonergic neurotransmission in early Parkinson's disease: a pilot study to assess implications for depression in this disorder. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 11(6), 781-787.
- Endrass, T., Schuermann, B., Kaufmann, C., Spielberg, R., Kniesche, R., & Kathmann, N. (2010). Performance monitoring and error significance in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Biological Psychology, 84(2), 257-263.
- Endrass, T., Klawohn, J., Schuster, F., & Kathmann, N. (2008). Overactive performance monitoring in obsessive-compulsive disorder: ERP evidence from correct and erroneous reactions. Neuropsychologia, 46(7), 1877-1887.
- Mohr, B., Pulvermüller, F., Rockstroh, B., & Endrass, T. (2008). Hemispheric cooperation-A crucial factor in schizophrenia? Neurophysiological evidence. NeuroImage, 41(3), 1102-1110.
- Pietschmann, M., Simon, K., Endrass, T., & Kathmann, N. (2008). Changes of performance monitoring with learning in older and younger adults. Psychophysiology, 45(4), 559-568.
- Endrass, T., Reuter, B., & Kathmann, N. (2007). ERP correlates of conscious error recognition: aware and unaware errors in an antisaccade task. European Journal of Neuroscience, 26(6), 1714-1720.
- Klein, T. A., Endrass, T., Kathmann, N., Neumann, J., von Cramon, D. Y., & Ullsperger, M. (2007). Neural correlates of error awareness.NeuroImage, 34(4), 1774-1781.
- Mohr, B., Endrass, T., Hauk, O., & Pulvermüller, F. (2007). ERP correlates of the bilateral redundancy gain for words. Neuropsychologia, 45(9), 2114-2124.
bis 2006
- Kathmann, N., Bogdahn, B., & Endrass, T. (2006). Event-related brain potential variations during location and identity negative priming.Neuroscience Letters, 394(1), 53-56.
- Reuter, B., Herzog, E., Endrass, T., & Kathmann, N. (2006). Brain potentials indicate poor preparation for action in schizophrenia.Psychophysiology, 43(6), 604-611.
- Endrass, T., Franke, C., & Kathmann, N. (2005). Error awareness in a saccade countermanding task. Journal of Psychophysiology, 19, 275-280.
- Endrass, T., Mohr, B., & Pulvermüller, F. (2004). Enhanced mismatch negativity brain response after binaural word presentation. European Journal of Neuroscience, 19(6), 1653-1660.
- Endrass, T., Mohr, B., & Rockstroh, B. (2002). Reduced interhemispheric transmission in schizophrenia patients: evidence from event-related potentials. Neuroscience Letters, 320(1-2), 57-60.