Jul 24, 2020
New project: Cognitive control as transdiagnostic construct for impulsive and compulsive disorders
The project considers clinical levels of compulsivity and impulsivity as dysfunctional implementations of control modes regarding the flexibility vs. stability dilemma. We will investigate cognitive control and self-control in a transdiagnostic approach in clinical samples along the compulsivity and impulsivity dimensions: obsessive-compulsive and alcohol-use disorder. The aim of the project is to delineate a) (transdiagnostic) subgroups of individuals characterized by specific configurations of behavioral, neural, and self-reported control capabilities and b) how subgroups relate to real-life self-control and quality of life. This approach will determine underlying mechanisms of impaired cognitive and volitional control in mental disorders as well as their association.
The project is embedded in the CRC 940 funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.