Motivation promotion
Motivational conditions and effects of instructional measures
The examination of motivational conditions and effets of competence promoting instructional measures, besides the examination of cognitive and metacognitive factors, is an integral part of most of our research projects. The central questions thereby is, how something can be contributed to the task specific competence conectption with help of specific instructional measures (e.g. interactive tutorial feedback strategies; Narciss, 2004; Narciss & Huth, 2006; Narciss et al., 2014; reattributional feedback; Narciss, Körndle, & Dresel, 2011; web based self regulated learning; Peters, 2010; learning from external mistakes, Eichelmann, 2015). We currently examine this questions whithin the frame of our SERENA project, with the development and evaluation of formative and summative feedback strategies for a serious game.
Motivation promoting design measures in (computer-aided) learning environments
For the promotion of learners motivation, additional design elements can be applied, which are supposed to positively influence their current motivation. An example for those design elements are pedagocial agents – characters, who are displayed on the screen and accompany the learner through the environment. A generally motivating and beneficial effect of the characters attendance alone could not be shown. It rather appeared, that the design of the charcter, its function in the learning process and the learners characteristics have to be taken into accounts (Heidig & Clarebout, 2011). Currently the motivation enhancing design of pedagocial agents is researched as a sub-issue of the SERENA project for the design of avatars and non-player-characters.
Diagnostic procedures for measuring motivational change during a learning process
If you want to examine motivational change during a learning process, realiable and valid measurement tools are needed. We therefor work on the development of an expectancy-value questionnaire for measuring the current learning motivation before, during and after a learning phase. Furthermore within the frame of the LiT-project motivaion enhancing design elements are implemented and evaluated in teaching events on basis of Kellers ARCS-model (1987).
Contact persons: Prof. Dr. Susanne Narciss, Dr. Steffi Heidig (Domagk)
Selected Publications :
Domagk, S. (2010). Do pedagogical agents facilitate learner motivation and learning outcomes? The role of the appeal of the agent’s appearance and voice. Journal of Media Psychology, 22(2), 84-97.
Domagk, S. & Niegemann, H.M. (2008). Motivationsdesign im Hochschulunterricht. In Zumbach, J. & Mandl, H. (Hrsg.) Pädagogische Psychologie in Theorie und Praxis (S. 205-211). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Eichelmann, A. (2015). Lernen aus Fehlern: motivationale, affektive und kognitive Aspekte beim Bruchrechnen mit Fehler-finde-und-Korrektur-Aufgaben (Doctoral dissertation).
Heidig, S. & Clarebout, G. (2011). Do pedagogical agents make a difference to student motivation and learning? A review of empirical research. Educational Research Review, 6(1), 27-54.
Narciss, S. (2004). Task specific self-concept, learner control and informative tutoring feedback - How do they affect motivation and achievement in concept learning? In H.W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards, & U. Trautwein (Eds.). Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial SELF Research Conference: Self-concept, Motivation and Identity: Where to from Here? (pp. 638-644). SELF Research Centre, University of Western Sydney.
Narciss, S. & Huth, K. (2006). Fostering achievement and motivation with bug-related tutoring feedback in a computer-based training on written subtraction. Learning and Instruction, 16, 310-322.
Narciss, S., Koerndle, H., & Dresel, M. (2011). Self-evaluation accuracy and satisfaction with performance: Are there affective costs or benefits of positive self-evaluation bias? International Journal of Educational Research. 50, 230-240, doi:10.1016/j.ijer.2011.08.004
Narciss, S., Sosnovsky, S., Schnaubert, L., Andrès, E., Eichelmann, A., Goguadze, G., Melis, E. (2014). Exploring feedback and student characteristics relevant for personalizing feedback strategies. Computers & Education, 71C, S. 56-76. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2013.09.011
Peters, S. (2010). Fähigkeitskonzepte beim selbstregulierten Lernen mit Multimedia: ein deutsch-französischer Vergleich. Dr. Kovač.
Further Publications can be found on the contact persons sites.