Call for papers “Zero carbon energy” for the Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
In recent years and set against debates about carbon emissions and climate change, there have been growing calls for increased investment and a shift away from fossil fuels towards renewable and 'zero carbon' energy sources. This AAAJ SI call for papers seeks to promote new ideas and understand how accounting can contribute toward a future where zero-carbon energy is the norm and not the exception. Thus, the call seeks research articles that can guide accounting, auditing, and accountability toward a zero-carbon energy society. This AAAJ special issue aims to become an essential resource for accounting and interdisciplinary researchers interested in renewable energy's ongoing societal and economic transition.
The guest editors Samanthi Dijkstra-Silva, Katherine Christ, Stefan Schaltegger and Martina Linnenluecke invite contributions until 31 December 2022, for further information please check following link Call for Papers “Zero carbon energy”