Refugee Law Clinic Dresden
+ + + I NEED HELP - time schedules for a free consultation+ + +
We offer free legal advice for refugees by students of the TU Dresden.
We offer free legal consultation for Refugees given by students of TU Dresden.
Nous offrons des conseils juridiques gratuits pour réfugiés par des étudiants de l‘université TU Dresden.
Ofrecemos asesoramiento jurídico gratis para refugiados por parte de estudiantes de la Universidad TU Dresde.
Мы предлагаем юридическую консультацию для беженцев от студентов университета ТУ Дрезден.
نقدم المشورة القانونية المجانية للاجئين من قبل الطلاب في جامعة دريسدن
The Refugee Law Clinic Dresden is a student initiative at the Center for Integration Studies of the TU Dresden and is funded by the Welcome Program of the German Academic Exchange Service. The position of the scientific assistant for the coordination as well as the legal training and supervision of the RLC Dresden is in sponsorship of the Center for Integration Studies as well as ZIS at TU Dresden.
The RLC Dresden was awarded the prize "Active for Democracy and Tolerance" 2020 of the Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance (BfDT), the prize Internationalization 2021 of the TU Dresden and a startsocial scholarship 2021.
RLC Dresden feiert Jubiläum: Wie alles angefangen hat und was die Refugee Law Clinic heute macht © RLC Dresden
This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon state parliament.
The Refugee Law Clinic Dresden is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service in the program "Welcome - Students get involved with refugees".
The Refugee Law Clinic Dresden cooperates with the Diakonisches Werk Sachsen e.V. .
The Refugee Law Clinic Dresden cooperates with the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) Sachsen.