Student Initiatives
The ZIS stands for...
The students at the Center for International Studies think outside the box and are involved in a variety of student initiatives.
Below you will find information on student initiatives initiated or supported by IB students.
IB Association
Website: The association "Internationale Beziehungen Dresden e.V."
Instagram: @ibdresden_ev
"The purpose of our association is to promote the International Relations degree program at TUD Dresden University of Technology as well as intercultural cooperation and international exchange. In particular, the association has set itself the task of making the objectives of the degree program better known to the public, improving the working conditions and career opportunities of students and increasing the professional exchange of experience between students and graduates of the IR degree program.
In concrete terms, this means that we network IR students from all semesters, organize Christmas parties, welcome back parties for IR students returning from abroad, alumni parties, summer parties, and progressive dinners. We gently introduce our first-year students to the everyday life of an IR degree programme every year and represent the interests of IR students towards the ZIS. In addition, the ERNA, our welcome trip to Wroclaw for future IR bachelors and their master's counterparts, has become a firm and cherished tradition. So much for the social side. Apart from that, there are two multi-day study trips every year, usually to EU or UN institutions in Brussels, Vienna or Geneva. We also try to bring interesting seminars and lectures to Dresden."
Due to the numerous events organized by the IB Association, we refer here to the news page of the IR Association and to two articles on a lecture.
- "The Lahmeyer case - human rights protection in practice": Article and photos
- IB Association organizes lecture on human rights protection: The Lahmeyer case
elbMUN e.V.
elbMUN 2022 - The website with all important information
"elbMUN (Elbe Model United Nations e.V.) is the name of a student initiative that, in 2010, has made it its mission to arouse interest in the United Nations and to inspire students to take a closer look at the UN. The highlight of the association's work is the elbMUN conference, a UN simulation that takes place every year in the Saxon State Parliament. About 100 young people from Germany, Europe and all over the world come to Dresden and take on the role of a delegate from a country to represent it in one of the United Nations bodies. Together, the students discuss current geopolitical, economic and social issues that affect our globalized world. The elbMUN education group also carries out political education work at local schools to bring pupils closer to the United Nations.
In 2019, the elbMUN conference was held under the motto "Planting Peace On Common Ground" and in 2021 under the motto "Turning Twenties: Challenging Distances - Reconsidering Cooperation". In 2022, the motto will be "The World Puzzle[d]
- Who will pick up the pieces?"."
Source: elbMUN
Refugee Law Clinic Dresden
"The Refugee Law Clinic (RLC) Dresden trains students as volunteer legal advisors for refugees and asylum seekers in the field of asylum and residence law.
The student initiative is based at the Center for Integration Studies and Center for International Studies at TU Dresden and has been supported by the non-profit RLC Association since January 2020.
The RLC is driven by the desire to provide refugees and asylum seekers in Dresden with access to legal aid. The initiative is therefore committed to ensuring that all people, regardless of their assets and language skills, receive support in our bureaucratic legal system.
The initiative was launched in autumn 2015 in response to the increasing number of refugees in Germany and the overburdening of lawyers and advice centers. Students at TU Dresden therefore initiated the RLC Dresden, which gradually developed into an integral part of Dresden's counseling landscape. The training program is open to all TU students - and external interested parties if necessary. In addition to many IR students, students of teaching, psychology, sociology, etc. also work as advisors at the RLC. The RLC team is always happy to welcome new members from various fields of study! Previous legal knowledge is an advantage, but by no means a must.
The training at the RLC Dresden extends over two semesters: in the first part, the trainees learn the basics of asylum and residence law in weekly lectures and exercises, while the second half of the training is dedicated to practical advice. In addition, a four-week internship and work shadowing hours at the RLC counseling centers in Dresden are part of the training. After successfully completing the course, the counseling work can begin. The learning certainly doesn't stop for the counselors afterwards: Thanks to regular further training, the counseling teams always stay up to date. In addition, team-building meetings such as joint Elbe picnics, summer and Christmas parties take place several times a year.
The Refugee Law Clinic Dresden is a student initiative at the Center for International Studies at TU Dresden and is funded by the Welcome Program of the German Academic Exchange Service and by state funds. This measure is financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget adopted by the members of the Saxon State Parliament."
More information on:
Instagram: rlc.dresden
YouTube: Refugee Law Clinic Dresden
Support association:
Source: RLC Dresden
Witnesses of Flight Dresden e.V.
"The Zeugen der Flucht Dresden e.V. association has been carrying out anti-racist educational work at schools in Saxony and beyond since 2019. Our work consists of connecting people with and without refugee experience in order to create an intercultural exchange that promotes an open, democratic society without racism. We also aim to break down prejudices and create more understanding for the situation of refugees.
We regularly hold workshops at schools to achieve these goals. We developed the following concept, with the help of which we would like to use to design a lesson in schools: Two facilitators first give a short, age-appropriate input presentation on the topic of flight and migration. Afterwards, two refugees share their personal experiences with the pupils, who in turn have the opportunity to ask their own questions. The overall aim is to create an open space in which refugees and pupils can interact with each other and meet as equals.
Our motto is: "Talking to each other instead of about each other". Interaction on a human and personal level is very important to us. To this end, we have worked on new interactive methods within the association to make our educational work as interesting and educational as possible. As an example, we have developed an interactive quiz to involve the pupils in the best possible way.
Workshops have already been held at numerous secondary schools and grammar schools in Dresden. We have received a lot of positive feedback, including from the students, and we are constantly expanding our concept so that we can also offer workshops at foundations and participate in various projects. The association in Dresden was initiated and founded by students of International Relations. The students of the International Relations degree program are extensively involved across all semesters, without which the association would not be as successful and vibrant. The students are active in the organization, during school visits and also on the association's board."
Instagram: Zeugenderflucht_Dresden
Source: Zeugen der Flucht Dresden e.V.
UN University Group Dresden
"The UN University Group has set itself the goal of providing information about the work of the United Nations and the importance of international cooperation and thus imparting knowledge about the various institutions of the United Nations and their tasks to TU Dresden students through various offers.
All active members and those interested in the university group come together in monthly plenary sessions to discuss possible new projects. Under the title "UN in the classroom", the university group works together with the German United Nations Association (DGVN) to provide information about the work of the United Nations in Saxon schools. Other projects are discussed, planned and implemented in plenary sessions. These currently include, for example, a series of lectures on the topic "What kind of a UN does it need to make peace?". Experts on the various areas of UN peacekeeping are invited to discuss civilian components, the role of women or peacebuilding in environmental issues in the United Nations peace context.
Interested parties can find out more about us via our website or Instagram."
Source: UN University Group
- NPT TV report with photos
- NPT TV report: IB students in New York at disarmament conference
- NPT TVpress kit (German) and the English version