Feb 02, 2021
Survey on hygrothermal simulation software in design practice
You deal with mold, thermal bridges, algae and frost damage in your daily planning and construction practice? If so, please help us by sharing your experience.
Simplified methods such as thermal bridge calculations or the glazing method are available as verification procedures for this. However, simulation programs such as WUFI or DELPHIN are also being used increasingly.
From our experience, planners are often uncertain about which verifications are necessary and useful, how simulation calculations can be evaluated correctly, but also about the reliability of the input data and the results of such methods.
To eliminate these uncertainties, various verification methods are being investigated, evaluated and further developed in a current research project. TU Dresden with the Institute for Building Climatology and the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics Holzkirchen are involved.
In this context, the practical relevance is particularly important to us. That is why we are asking for your input by means of an online questionnaire. Answering the questions will take about 5 to 10 minutes.
Our goal is to clarify the advantages and disadvantages of current methods as well as to provide new, practical methods, if necessary, also for damage detection of mold, algae and frost.
Thank you for your participation!