Das Foto zeigt eine Stapel Bücher aus der Bibliothek zum Thema Handel und Finanzen. Sie liegen übereinander auf einem Tisch. © Amac Garbe  Das Foto zeigt mehrere Studierende draußen im Grünen. Sie sitzen auf einer geschwungenen Betonformation aus Tischen und Bänken und lernen. © Amac Garbe

Studies at the Institute for Building Climatology

Planning and building is an interdisciplinary process in which many different disciplines are involved. The knowledge required for the construction process, which the future planner must bring with him, should therefore be fundamentally interdisciplinary in nature, so that communication across disciplinary boundaries becomes possible.
The staff members at the Institute of Building Climatology who are in charge of teaching therefore pursue the goal of not only imparting knowledge in a selected subject area, but also of making a contribution so that communication in the building industry becomes possible. We therefore see ourselves committed to the motto of our university, which states: "Knowledge creates bridges - education connects people".

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Teaching for different fields of study

 Das Foto zeigt drei Studierende in einem vollen Hörsaal. Sie sitzen nebeneinander und schauen gemeinsam in ein Notebook. © Amac Garbe

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