Günter Behnisch - Early Projects
In this seminar, which will be part of a research series, we would like to examine the nature of buildings and their connection to the environment together with a group of students to document them and thus make them accessible and tangible for future generations.
This planned series of publications is a research programme that, in our view, examines significant buildings as references within the current architectural debate. The buildings will be analysed from the urban scale down to the detail at the level of an individual room. This can be the internal structure of a building in relation to its urban form, the defining presence of a material or details with regard to their effect on the urban context. Great importance will be attached to the graphic representation of the observed phenomena and their analysis; the care taken in drawing is an essential aspect of this study.
Each study is carried out by small groups of students to foster a sense of collaboration, sharing of work results and joint authorship. Through this structure of working, the seminar provides a foundation for future professional practice.