Oct 21, 2020
New Publication on Material testing of 3-D printed cores for thin glass panels in the journal Bautechnik
Bautechnik / Volume 97, Issue 10 has recently published the paper "material testing of 3-D printed cores for thin glass panels".
This paper describes the use of thin glass in a new concept for glass and facade construction. First of all, the basic properties of thin glass are presented and consequences for its use in building construction are identified. Then, the concept of using thin glass facade panels with 3‐D printed, adhesively bonded and stiffening polymer cores is presented. Small‐scale prototypes and design studies were performed in a series of master theses at the TU Delft. The insights gained from these studies confirmed the potential of thin glass in building construction. Current investigations at the Institute of Building Construction at TU Dresden include the continued and further development of this work. First results for 3‐D printed polymer cores with regard to their material and printing properties as well as the requirements are presented. Findings on reproducible printing quality and form finding supplement the designs in a clear manner. From the here presented studies, it is concluded that thin glass panels with adhesively bonded 3‐D printed cores are a feasible and promising concept for the construction of lightweight façade panels.
The paper can be accessed under:
- Dipl-Ing. Mirko Köhler (TU Dresden)
- cand.-Ing. Daniel Pfarr (TU Dresden)
- Dr.-Ing. Katharina Lohr (TU Dresden)
- Dr.-Ing. Silke Tasche (TU Dresden)
- Prof. Dr.-ir. Christian Louter (TU Dresden)