Feb 01, 2022
The engineering workplace of the 21st century
To enable the holistic, integrated digital support of the "AEC & FM value chain" is one of the most important tasks in research and teaching. Therefore, we consider the recently innaugurated "Computer Assisted Virtual Environment" (short: CAVE) as a major building block in the landscape of our experimental platforms at the 'Institut für Bauinformatik', Our experimental platforms are equally accessible to researchers, students and external partners from industry and public administration.
Our CAVE is part of the "Engineering Workplace of the 21st Century". Starting from screen headsets (individual workplace) to multi-touch tables (team meetings) to the CAVE (group work with e.g. specialists, investors, authorities, and interested members of the society), various visualization techniques can be networked using cloud-based technologies. Spatially distributed, temporally synchronous collaboration is thus seamlessly possible.
The CAVE is a room-sized visualization solution combining high-resolution, stereoscopic projection and 3D computer graphics. This creates a full sense of presence in a virtual environment.
Our CAVE is equipped with BARCO F80 series projectors, a PC with multiple Intel(R) Core(M) i9-10900X @3.7 GHZ processors, an NVIDIA RTX A6000 graphics card, and 64 GB RAM. Product modeling, energy simulation and collaboration software is available, such as Revit, Navisworks, Unity, Unity Reflect Review and IES-VE.
The laboratory supports a wide range of services in the field of architecture, engineering, construction, and facility management (AEC & FM), such as:
- Large scale visualization, decision making and planning.
- Optimization of design and construction processes.
- Integration of BIM, IoT (e.g. sensor data) and Building Diagnostics (AI).
- Identifikation and reduction of project risks.
- To enhance collaboration across stakeholders in the project.
Prof. Karsten Menzel (Presse)
Prathap Valluru, MSc. (Technik)