Studying at the Institute of Construction Informatics
The Institute of Construction Informatics offers basic and advanced courses, to prepare prospective civil engineers for the growing challenges of the ongoing digitalisation of the building industry.

IT in AEC - innovative and future-proof
Specialization in "Bauinformatik"
The Institut für Bauinformatik offers modules in numerous degree programmes, such as the Bachelor- and Diplomingenieur Degree Programme in Civil Engineering (German) and Master Degree Programme „Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies (ACCESS)“.
We are aiming to offer a multi-day field trip to challenging sites of research and indstry partners allowing our students to experience "Bauinformatik in practice"
We are happy to mentor and supervise final year projects and Thesises in all degree programmes - also with partners from industry.
Further Information
Why and How - Bauinformatik as Specialization (German)